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Wii U

Three different studios are working on Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two. Even with the newly announced Wii U version, the Wii version remains the lead platform for the project.

Junction Point Studios is handling development on the Wii title. The PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions are being produced by Blitz Games. Finally, Heavy Iron is making the Wii U edition.

Heavy Iron’s slate of games is mostly made up of licensed products. They’ve worked on properties such as SpongeBob and Scooby-Doo, and a few movie tie-ins. Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse is the studio’s latest project.

Capcom has been answering a ton of questions about Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on its online forum. Christian Svensson, Corporate Officer/Senior Vice-President and Yuri L. Araujo, Associate Online/Community Specialist provided some insight into the Wii U and 3DS versions.

We’ve rounded up a bunch of their comments below. The two confirmed no online for the 3DS game, discussed an eventual server shutdown for Tri on Wii, the long wait for Monster Hunter localization, the possibility of a software bundle on the Capcom Store, and lots more.

Following the news that GameStop had mostly stopped taking pre-orders for Wii U yesterday, other retailers are now “sold out” as well.

Best Buy was offering the Basic and Deluxe Sets. Both are now out of stock. The 32GB edition is also sold out at Target, but the 8GB model still seems to be available. Kmart has additionally stopped taking pre-orders for the Deluxe Set – this was the only option listed on the retailer’s site.

It’s Saturday, which means news is mostly pretty slow! Instead of refreshing the page every fifteen minutes, why not join the forums and take part in a discussion I’m having about the Wii U and stupid things people have said about it? It’s free and maybe even fun!

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Oh me oh my I am supremely upset today. Not about anything substantial, or even about anything that I’d normally get upset over, but simply due to trolls and commenters spewing their nonsense across the vast web of interconnected computers that we call the “Intrawebz”. Instead of brushing this stuff off like I normally do, however, I’d like to take the time to address many of the concerns I’ve read. Some of them semi-valid, most of them absurd, and all of the responses surely filled with far too much distress.

That’s okay though, because every once in a while it is okay to let yourself be angry about silly things. For me, that time is right now. Hit the break to see various arguments against the Wii U, as well as a response to each one designed for maximum catharsis.

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