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Donkey Kong Jr. – £4.50
NES Open Tournament Golf – £3.60


Rummikub – £7.20 / 800 points

Wii VC

2020 Super Baseball – 900 points

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy DLC – £0.90 each

The Royal City of Rabanastre / Town Ward Upper Stratum (FF12 – FMS)
Crystal Cave (FF03 – FMS)
Ragnarok (FF11 – BMS)
Challenge (FF10 – BMS)

Nintendo Video

Nintendo Video Sports Highlights – fourth/fifth clips

Source: Nintendo PR

Masahiro Sakurai delivered a speech at this year’s CEDEC developers conference today. The session, called “Why Do You Make Games?”, lacked Smash Bros. news for the most part. Although, Sakurai did share one small nugget.

Famitsu transcribed the following quote from Sakurai:

“It’s fun making new skills for new characters.”

Well then… Geno confirmed for the next Smash Bros,! Ah, just kidding.

Source, Via

Thanks to the game’s Facebook page, we have the first art and details for Star Beast.

We should preface this by saying that it’s not entirely clear how much of this information is still relevant. Most of the gameplay ideas are probably still intact, but the page does mention that the Wii and 3DS are targeted platforms. That’s no longer the case as a LinkedIn profile states that the game will be released on the Wii U, PC, and mobile devices.

In any case, you can find all of the content below.


Take control of the universes’ most deadly weapon and plow through the depths of hell to secure the survival of the human race.

A unique opportunity was presented with the western press a few days ago. Satoru Iwata stopped by Nintendo of America’s offices in Redwood City as New Super Mario Bros. 2 approaches its launch in the states.

Aside from Iwata giving some hope regarding the overseas status of EarthBound/Mother, he mostly talked about the Mario franchise. He discussed the innate appeal of Mario’s side-scrollers, explained how New Super Mario Bros. 2 and U will be different games, Nintendo’s stance on downloadable content, and more.

Head past the break for Iwata’s comments.

Update: Added more videos.

ZombiU will be far from a walk in the park. Ubisoft Monpellier’s international product manager Nicolai Bouchai says that the team would like to “target and challenge the gamers”.

“We really want to target and challenge the gamers with ZombiU because this game is very hard. So for example when you finish the game you will unlock a new mode called Survival Mode. You will have to finish the game with only one life and only one character.”

Bouchet believes that a large percentage of Wii U launch buyers will consist of core players. As such, Ubisoft is making an experience that appeals to this group.

“We know there are a lot of gamers expecting a lot with the Wii U, so that’s why we want to deliver this experience and dedicate it to the gamers.”


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