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Wii U

Nintendo has said it won’t be attending Gamescom this year. Sadly, that means it won’t be showing off its Wii U games at the show. There is a small bright spot for the upcoming console, however, as some third-party Wii U titles will apparently be playable.

No word yet on which third-parties will have their games on display. Given its commitment to the system thus far, Ubisoft could be a big presenter at the expo.

Source, Via

The footage above was captured from a low-quality steam, so it isn’t of the best quality. Still, it’s the only video look we have at the new NiGHTS level in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed.

NiGHTS will be well-represented in Sonic’s new racer. Confirmed today at Summer of Sonic 2012, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed features a level and vehicle from the NiGHTS franchise.

A few shots of the NiGHTS content can be found above. They’re admittedly very low quality – we’ll try to find better images for you.

Shigeru Miyamoto has a couple of top picks in terms of Nintendo franchises he’d like to see on Wii U.

One franchise Miyamoto would choose to bring to the new console is Metroid. While it’s not an indication that the series is confirmed for the system, he thinks “it’s very easy to imagine some interesting implementation for Wii U.”

Miyamoto commented on how the GamePad and gyro support “really gives you a lot of interesting opportunities for development”:

“With Metroid it’s very easy to imagine some interesting implementation for Wii U. I think that having another screen with the gyro built in really gives you a lot of interesting opportunities for development, and we can bring a lot of our games to life in a completely unique way with that.”

Miyamoto later said:

“I feel like the possibilities of the GamePad for Metroid could be really fantastic. There’s certainly a lot that you could do there for that game.”

A second series Miyamoto would like to see on Wii U, and perhaps above all else, is Star Fox. He didn’t go into detail beyond this sadly.


Namco Bandai revealed four new characters for Tekken Tag Tournament 2 at the Japan Expo today. Alex, Forest Law, P-Jack and Tiger Jackson will be included on the game’s roster.

A trailer showing off the new characters can be seen above.

This is something that Nintendo has hinted at previously, and most had assumed that something like this would be implemented.

Anyway, the point here is that a customer service representative has “confirmed” (can a rep actually confirm things?) that the Wii U and 3DS will share the same account system through the eShop. The compatibility wasn’t given an exact date for the 3DS, but unified accounts will be ready out of the box for Wii U.

A few other tidbits were shared by the same representative. As many of you know, Nintendo can keep your eShop account in tact if it’s damaged. It can also be transferred in the event that the system is stolen. Finally, there is “nothing to announce regarding Latin American availability” for digital downloads on the eShop.

The representative’s comments in full:

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