Wii U lineup will “surprise some people”, “going to be pretty damn good”
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Nintendo hasn’t shared any details about the Wii U’s launch titles yet. We know about some of the games that should be available on release day – such as Darksiders II – but on the whole, fans have been kept in the dark.
Even with the limited information, if GameTrailers.com editor-in-chief Shane Satterfield is to be believed, prospective Wii U owners have nothing to worry about.
Speaking on the latest episode of the site’s “Invisible Walls” show, Satterfield teased the Wii U’s launch line-up by stating that it “is going to surprise some people. It’s going to be pretty damn good.”
He said:
“I will say one thing that I can say without getting in any trouble is that the launch lineup for the Wii U is going to surprise some people. It’s going to be pretty damn good.”
Satterfield presumably has some insight as to what’s in store for Wii U due to his access to insider contacts and developers.
Zen Studios updates: Zen Pinball DLC, non-pinball game for 3DS, more
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News, Wii U | 0 comments
Zen Studios Creative Director Neil Sorens has provided an update on downloadable content for Zen Pinball 3D and more. Sorens says that the DLC “will be definitely available this year.”
According to Sorens:
“Yes, definitely. We’re just waiting for the right time to add the support for add-on content for Zen Pinball. It will be definitely available this year. We’re going to have new tables for Zen Pinball, we’ll also release Marvel Pinball [for the 3DS, PS Vita and PC] and we’ll have add-on tables for that as well down the road.”
Sorens has also been asked about any interest the studio may have in making a Nintendo-based pinball table. While this is something they would be open to pursuing, the Big N’s protective nature of their IPs probably means that making something based on Mario or Zelda wouldn’t be possible for now.
Neil explained:
“Yes, definitely. We’d love to make Mario, Zelda or Pokémon pinball tables. Nintendo is obviously very protective of their Intellectual Properties, so we hoping that once our games become established on their platforms they’ll see us as a good potential partner and they’ll want to work with us.”
n-Space still wants to pursue Winter, possibly for Wii U, 3DS FPS interest
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii, Wii U | 0 comments
GameReactor has published an interview with n-Space’s Dan O’Leary at iDÉAME 2012. The co-founder opened up on a couple of topics.
Remember the “dark” Wii game Winter? It was cancelled a number of years ago due to a lack of interest from publishers. n-Space pitched the project two times, but publishers felt that such a game wouldn’t fit on the console.
That being said, n-Space would like to pursue the idea in the future. Dan O’Leary said that it could be considered for Wii U, and may ask for fan support through Kickstarter.
Dan O’Leary noted:
“You know, there’s Wii U coming out and maybe that changes things. And we’re definitely interested in pursuing Winter at some point. With things like Kickstarter…”
n-Space developed a number of first-person shooters for the DS. The studio hasn’t been involved with the genre on Nintendo’s newest portable up to this point, but the studio would “love to make a FPS for the 3DS” in the future.
Beamdog no longer developing for Nintendo
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii U | 0 comments
Beamdog’s first Nintendo game was MDK2 for WiiWare. It will also be the studio’s last title for a Nintendo platform apparently.
A fan recently asked Beamdog founder Trent Oster if the company would consider Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition for Wii U.
Oster responded with the following:
“We don’t do Nintendo development. Our previous experience with Nintendo was enough to ensure there will not be another.”
Given Beamdog’s minimal experience with Nintendo platforms, one would have to assume that their negative experience was related to MDK2. I wonder: What’s the story behind this?
Tony Hawk wants to take advantage of Wii U
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Tony Hawk wants to see his games on Nintendo’s new console in the future. The skate legend told IGN that he “would love to still be here and take advantage of new consoles as they come, including Wii-U”.
He said:
“[In a few years] I would love to still be here and take advantage of new consoles as they come, including Wii-U and whatever else they have in the pipe.”
The Tony Hawk games have taken a major dip quality over the past few years. However, the series has a chance at redemption with Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD, a remake of the classic PS1 title.
Nintendo: Mario Wii U game “based on” New Super Mario Bros. Mii
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
It appears there will be two Mario side-scrollers at this year’s E3 after all.
According to Nintendo, the Mario Wii U title confirmed for the show “is based on the Mario experience that was demonstrated at last year’s E3 Expo.” That experience was New Super Mario Bros. Mii.
In addition to this game, we know that a 2D side-scrolling Mario project is in the works for the 3DS. It will be making its debut at E3 as well.
Pikmin 3 will be at E3 2012
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Mario won’t be the only Nintendo IP making an appearance on the Wii U at this year’s E3. Nintendo has also confirmed today that Pikmin 3 will finally be shown on the new console in June.
Nintendo said in a statement:
“In a recent interview, Mr. Miyamoto confirmed that a new Pikmin game will be shown at the E3 Expo in June. He believes that anyone who has played Pikmin games in the past will enjoy playing.”
Pikmin has been dormant for nearly a decade. The last game in the series, Pikmin 2, made it out for the GameCube in 2004.
Nintendo – specifically Shigeru Miyamoto – has teased Pikmin 3 for several years (see here, here, here… and here). We’ll be seeing the project at long last!
Game Informer brings in analysts to comment on Wii U rumors
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
The latest issue of Game Informer contains a feature on next-gen consoles. The magazine dissected some of the recent rumors surrounding the new systems, including talk about the Wii U.
Two analysts were brought in to comment on some of the speculation.
First, Game Informer tackled the possibility of support for two Wii U tablets, complete with commentary from Wedbush analyst Michael Pachter.
The publication wrote:
Frozenbyte: Wii U would make a nice platform for Trine 2
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Frozenbyte’s Joel Kinnunen isn’t ruling out a Wii U version of Trine 2. In fact, Kinnunen said that “Wii U would make for a nice platform” for the game.
According to Kinnunen:
“Thanks for the suggestion. We are keeping a close eye on all current and upcoming platforms, and we will bring Trine 2 to more platforms in the future… Wii U would make for a nice platform, that’s for sure, the tablet would fit Amadeus perfectly indeed. We can’t really disclose any ‘real’ info because that’s all covered by legal confidentiality agreements and the like… But let’s see how it goes. : )”
If Trine 2 does come to Wii U, it’ll probably be brought to the system as a digital download. The game was released on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Marketplace late last year.
Nintendo confirms Wii U Super Mario Bros. game for E3, Miyamoto quote
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News, Wii U | 0 comments
Nintendo has confirmed a report that a new Mario title will be shown for Wii U at E3 2012. The company didn’t specify if the game will be New Super Mario Bros. Wii, a project from EAD Tokyo, or something else entirely.
Nintendo’s statement reads:
“In a recent interview, Mr. Miyamoto confirmed that a new Super Mario Bros. game for the Wii U system will be shown at this year’s E3 Expo. We’ll have more to announce about our plans for the E3 Expo at a later date.”
In other news, we have a direct-quote from Miyamoto in which he commented on the projects he’s been busy with:
“I’m working on several projects but I think that I cannot talk about them all [laughs]. Some are small but important projects for Wii U. Also on a new Pikmin, which will take advantage of the new HD screen resolution, and on Luigi’s Mansion for 3DS.”