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Wii U

New Dragon Quest X details accompanied today’s screenshot update. We learn about the methods of transportation in the game – such as the railroad – and the quest system.

The new information is as follows:

– Use the railroad to travel in the world
– The five continents of the game world are connected by “extreme long distance railroad”
– Magic train can instantly transport you to your destination
– Rula Stone transportation: the item remember locations you’ve previously visited, travel quickly to these destinations
– Each stone remembers just one location
– Stone can be reprogrammed to a different location
– Can hold multiple stones at once
– “Mini stories”/quests will be offered in downloadable form
– Some quests are specific to particular job types, others are specific to continents
– Martial Artists’ Quest: You open a training book that you received from a youth and see a quest left behind by a legendary martial artist.
– Warrior Quest: This mysterious quest is given to you buy a mysterious elder. You’re asked to travel to a certain location.
– Monk Quest: This quest asks that you find a particular person. To complete the quest, you’ll need to figue out the meaning of a mysterious poem.

Thanks to 4Him for the tip!


Capcom’s Yoshinori Ono provided some cryptic statements when asked about the Wii U in a recent interview. The Street Fighter X Tekken producer hyped up the console and said “Wii U will be a console with so many and unique possibilities that it will be difficult to show them in the box they are going to sell it or to be published by magazines and other mediums.”

Ono also teased that there’s more to Wii U than what Nintendo showed at last year’s E3.

His full comments are as follows:

“What we saw last E3 is not a reflection of everything this console is able to offer. We have been trying the development kits and some of its new characteristics will improve its possibilities. It isn’t something like Kinect or similar accessories, it’s something different.

“I can’t tell you more about it because, if I do, Nintendo will send assassins to finish me! (laughs) But let’s say that Wii U will be a console with so many and unique possibilities that it will be difficult to show them in the box they are going to sell it or to be published by magazines and other mediums.”

So… Maybe we’ll see a new Wii U project from Ono at this year’s E3?

Source 1, Source 2

New rumors have started to surface regarding the Wii U’s capabilities.

Last night, we heard that the system was supposedly 20% less powerful than Microsoft’s next home console and today, a source speaking with Develop – originating from late 2011 – says that the Wii U will be twice as powerful as the Xbox 360. The site says it “could achieve roughly twice the processing and graphical potential of Microsoft’s current generation machine.”

Apparently some studios were expecting more power from the console.

Develop’s source said:

“I’ve heard [a project designer] complain it’s underpowered compared to what Nintendo announced, resulting in people having to de-scale their plans.

Along with this rumor, Develop has learned “that a prominent UK racing studio has committed to support Wii U with one project each year.”


IGN has published a new rumor regarding Microsoft’s next console.

While most of the article focuses on the system’s release date and some technical specifications, there was a terse statement included regarding a comparison to Nintendo’s upcoming console. The site claims that the next Xbox “will yield 20-percent greater performance than Nintendo’s forthcoming console, the Wii U.”

I think most gaming enthusiasts had assumed that both Microsoft and Sony’s next consoles would end up being much more powerful than Wii U. However, it’ll be tough to make any true comparisons until the final specs of all of these systems have been provided.

Darksiders II trailer

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments

The official website for Project Cars features an image with the Wii U logo. I suppose we can take this as a confirmation that the game will be coming to Nintendo’s new console.

Project Cars is also slated for release on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC in 2013. Slightly Mad Studio, the developer behind the title, previously worked on Need for Speed: Shift and Shift 2: Unleashed.

Thanks to Zee G for the tip!

An anonymous tipster speaking with The Sonic Stadium claims that Sumo Digital is developing a new Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing game for Wii U, 3DS, and Vita.

This is the second Sonic-related project rumored to be in the works for Wii U. TSSZ News reported last year that SEGA would be bringing Sonic Dimensions to the new console.

A Sumo employee supposedly said the following about the new Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing title:

“Now working on another title for Sega on 3DS, VITA and WiiU. [The] title we are working on is top secret but the last game we did for them was Sonic And Sega All-Star Racing, so the logical conclusion would be… ”

The Sonic Stadium states they have verified the legitamacy of the discussion and the Sumo Digital source.

One would think that this project would have to be Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing 2. The Sumo staffer apparently said that the company won’t be doing any further work on the first game, so a remixed version of the original specifically made for Wii U, 3DS, and Vita is unlikely.


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