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Wii U

These screenshots aren’t of Razor’s Edge, though we can expect the graphics to look similar. The main difference we’ve heard about for the Wii U version pertains to the controls. Team Ninja will be developing Razor’s Edge so that it will support traditional controls and controls similar to what was presented in Dragon’s Sword for the DS.

THQ isn’t planning on supporting Wii U just for the sake of getting their content onto a new platform. According to Danny Bilson, the company is “committed to that platform so long as our developers find really interesting ways to use the controller so that it’s a unique experience and much more than a port.”

When asked if he’s excited about Wii U or THQ sees the console as just another box to tick, Bilson said:

“No, I’m excited about it. I like the controller quite a bit. We’re committed to that platform, so long as our developers find really interesting ways to use the controller so that it’s a unique experience and much more than a port.

“Obviously, even to port some of the stuff over could be very profitable, but we’re really looking to use it. I mean, Darksiders 2 has a very deep loot and inventory system, and having that live and not having to click out of your screen is really a bonus in a game like that. And that’s just one really simple example. Some of the two-player stuff in the living room on independent screens where you can’t see each other is another one.

“And then there’s the things you can do with motion sensors, and using the screen as a window – there’s all kinds of fun stuff. Even Nintendo had some fun stuff at E3 in their demo, throwing stuff from that screen to the other screen, things like that. You’re going to see that in a bunch of our core games. As many as it makes sense.”


Nintendo made the announcement about Wii U roughly two months ago, but you might be surprised to hear that they had not secured any sort of trademark for the console until recently. Last week, the company filed for around twenty trademarks relating to the word “Wii U”.

Going forward, Nintendo will probably look to acquire domains for the system. However, the website “” was registered back in 2004 and a quick check indicates that they do not own the domain. A similar address, “”, isn’t held by Nintendo either.

It probably would have saved Nintendo a lot of hassle had they registered at least one of the domains prior to the Wii U reveal. In the end though, Nintendo will surely be able to acquire a website for their upcoming console.


Based on a patent filed earlier this month, the Wii U controller will contain a magnetometer, an IR port, a speaker, a microphone, and ion battery, and built-in flash memory.

Some of this we were already aware of, and some of this isn’t too surprising – such as the inclusion of flash memory. Wii owners may remember that the Wii controller also featured a bit of memory to carry data such as Mii information.

As far as the magnetometer goes, I’m not quite sure if that’s even worth making a big deal out of yet. I can’t say I know much about the technology, though it’s apparently included in other devices such as the iPhone.


Best Console Game
Mass Effect 3 – EA
Batman: Arkham City – Warner Bros.
Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception – Sony
FIFA 12 – EA

Best Mobile Games
Mario Kart 3D – Nintendo
Uncharted: Golden Abyss – Sony
Resident Evil Revelations – Capcom

Best Family Game
Kinect Sports – Season 2 – Microsoft
Rayman Origins – Ubisoft
Sesame Street: Once Upon a Monster – Warner Bros.

Nominees that are on Nintendo platforms can be found above, but for the full listing, head on over to our sister site.


Saints Row: The Third
Darksiders II
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
Metro: Last Light
WWE ’12

UFC Undisputed 3
uDraw HD
adidas MiCoach

Source: THQ PR

Namco Bandai has been rather quiet about Tekken 3D… and we know even less about Tekken for Wii U. With such little information distributed, one would hope that we’d receive news sooner rather than later.

But no dice. By the look of things, we won’t be hearing about either project anytime soon. When asked about the 3DS/Wii U games, Tekken series producer Katsuhiro Harada said, “The Nintendo projects are top secret and we can’t talk about it at the moment, sorry!”

Both titles are obviously early on in development. I expect that Namco Bandai will talk about Tekken 3D within the next few months or perhaps early next year, but Tekken Wii U is most likely farther away. We’ll just have to keep our patience!


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