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Below are a few select games scheduled to hit the Wii, DS, and 3DS shops on August 30. We’ll get the full list early next week.


Kirby’s Star Stacker – £2.70


iSpot Japan – £1.80 / 200 points


Successfully Learning English Year 4 – 800 points


The Hulu application has arrived on the Japanese Wii Shop Channel. Take a look at the channel in action above.


F1 games have been coming out yearly on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. It doesn’t sound like the Wii U will be receiving the same treatment, however.

Game director Paul Jeal feels that F1 Race Stars may be a more appropriate title to bring to the console. Following this, Codemasters will consider a strategy different from its usual annual games on Wii U.

“We have the license for a bit longer now so we can do a bit more forward planning. Rod [Cousens] – our CEO who’s here [at gamescom] – he’s constantly thinking, ‘What about this or what about that?’, so he needs to put a business case for it. I definitely think it would be something a little more suited to Race Stars first. Let them do the hard work of getting it working on the tech first!”

Jeal said the following when asked whether that would be due to the audience:

“I think so, yeah. I also think it’s looking at the Wii SKU that we did. It did really well but there’s still questions with sales numbers… whether it is something that annually we could revisit year-on-year [and] would sell the same number of units year on year. [For] something like football, you need the newest content and there’s lots of changes, but with F1 the changes with the teams and drivers are really quite minimal, so instantly you’re quite stretched for new content. I think when you bring this over to the Wii where the audience is perhaps a bit more more casual and they’re less likely to buy it year-on-year, you have to look at a slightly different strategy.”


This week’s Nintendo Download includes the following featured content:

Nintendo eShop
VectorRacing – Enjoy a new, high-speed racing game that recalls the video games of yore. Use one of six different machines to race across 12 courses — some easy, some insane — in four different modes. (For Nintendo 3DS / Nintendo 3DS XL)

Virtual Console
METAL SLUG X – This game is based on Metal Slug 2, but adds the new “Iron Lizard” and “Drop Shot” weapons. It also adds many new enemies and allows players to adjust the game’s difficulty level by changing the position of bosses and other things. (For Wii)

This week’s GameStop deals are as follows:

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