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Remember how, just a few months ago, numerous Nintendo representatives including President Satoru Iwata stated that there are no plans for a price drop? So much for that…Maybe. Kotaku has apparently obtained an early circular ad of Walmart, which shows that a price drop is planned for the first week of October. While the new price of the console was not printed on the ad, a $50 drop would seem most reasonable. For now, Nintendo of America has yet to comment on this rumor, but we’ll know if this is valid speculation soon enough. October is less than a month away after all.


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We found out that Tekkaman Blade is being added to the new “version” of Tatsunoko vs. Capcom through Famitsu yesterday. But it looks like the other three characters have been leaked, too. Capcom opened a website for Ultimate All-Stars, and the code lists what appears to be the rest of the unannounced characters. The filenames discovered are oncharactor_btn_zero.jpg, oncharactor_btn_frank.jpg, oncharactor_btn_joe.jpg, and oncharactor_btn_tekkabla.jpg. In order, those names would most likely turn out to be Mega Man Zero, Frank West, Condor Joe, and Tekkaman Blade (which we know about already). It won’t be long before Capcom officially reveals the characters though, as TGS is just a few weeks away.


There’s have been some considerably significant announcements made at October’s events in the past. Monster Hunter 3, Punch-Out!! and even the DSi made their debuts at the show. Now will Zelda Wii be following suit? A rumor has popped up concerning Link’s next adventure: Specifically that the first trailer of the title will be shown. Interestingly, Nintendo has yet to actually confirm their annual conference, but you can bet that there will be one this year. And who knows, maybe this rumor will hold true and we’ll finally see what the next Zelda title looks like on Wii.

Thanks to Jake for the news tip!

As was posted a few days ago, Nintendo Power is teasing a “major” DSi title, which will be unveiled in the November issue. There hasn’t been much to go on, but now it appears that a new Shantae game may be the secret. Over at their Twitter, Way Forward posted, “Nintendo Power teasing a MAJOR DSiWare release in the next issue? AND it will make many gamers “very, very happy”? Hmmm.”

This still doesn’t prove anything of course. Right now, it still hasn’t been confirmed that the Twitter mentioned is the official account for the company. However, gamers know that WayForward has been teasing a new Shantae game over the past few months and DSiWare would make a perfect home for the series.

Source 1, Source 2

There has been a lot of buzz this week surrounding Sony’s Mini service for the PSP over the past few days. In some ways, the program is comparable to DSiWare, but Sony seems to be providing stronger support for developers. But rumor has it that Nintendo will be taking a similar approach.

The biggest improvement to DSiWare will allow developers to release their titles in an easier fashion. There will not be any changes in terms of pricing for content, but Nintendo will still have indirect control due to royalty rates. If, for instance, a developer were to create a game larger than 20MB for 500 points, then there would be a much higher royalty rate than if the size was under the 20MB restriction. Keep in mind that this is still speculation since Nintendo has not officially confirmed anything, though this would be a much welcomed advancement for DSiWare.


It started with the WiiMote, then the Balance Board, then WiiMotion plus, followed by the newly revealed Wii inflatable horseback, and now Nintendo may be up to even more antics with a new patent. This time, for a bicycle pedal peripheral.

Recent marketing slides released may indicate that some company (be it Nintendo or a third party) is planning on releasing a game/peripheral bundle based around cycling. The device would sit on the floor in front of a couch or chair, allowing the player to use their feet to control and utilize the device. No word on whether the slides are in fact real, so I’ll keep this labeled as a rumor for now.

Rumor has it that another Factor 5 project has been canceled, possibly a Superman game that was being handled by White Harvest LLC. Assets and projects were transferred from Factor 5 to the new company (as you may remember from that ex-employee lawsuit), but apparently the title, which was in the works for Wii, is no longer in production. It was canceled because the publisher didn’t have a ton of faith in the game. The project started development in February and is said to have involved converting a large open world title. While we don’t know what type of game it was for sure, there is a claim going around that it was a Superman project.

Interestingly, the same rumor source says that White Harvest LLC is still at work on a different Wii title. Factor 5 CEO Achim Moller listed that there were multiple Wii projects in development on his LinkedIn profile, but it’s unclear if that includes the canceled title. If we’re lucky, we may (or may not) receive some news at gamescon. And, while the rumored source has been correct with a number of unconfirmed reports in the past, this information should remain as speculation for now.

Suda51 has already shared that there will be characters other than Travis to play as in No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle. However, now there are some rumors that EDGE has information of an additional character that had not been previously revealed. Head past the break to see the blurb from the magazine.

Publishers making the decision to port titles from the Wii to the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 is often considered to be an unusual occurrence. But rumor has it that Marvelous Entertainment has announced that the company will in fact be porting a Wii title to competing platforms. A shareholders meeting took place not too long ago and this information was discussed at the event. There is a possibility that the ported game might be a recent Wii release. If that’s true, Muramasa: The Demon Blade, Arc Rise Fantasia, and even Reel Fishing: Angler’s Dream are potential titles that may end up no longer being exclusive to the Wii.

Source 1, Source 2

Earlier this year, we posted an unconfirmed report relating to EA and Activision products. Strangely, almost all of the rumors turned out to be true. Except for one: Brutual Legend on the Wii. The game seemed to be closer to being announced for Nintendo’s system with various sources claiming it was the real deal. Today, however, speculation has bubbled claiming that, although the title was in development for Wii at one point, it has since been canceled. Allegedly, there was some concern over the game’s quality and potential technical issues. So, following a good amount of speculation, it looks as though Wii owners will have to look elsewhere for their Brutal Legend Fix.

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