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If there’s one thing Zelda fans know at this point, it is that a game in the series is in development for the Wii. However, according to speculation from IGN, Retro Studios was working on an entirely new Zelda title at one point. More than a year ago, the company apparently was doing the next Zelda or something big with it. Though, for one reason or another, they stopped development on the title. The rumor was circulating the internet for a bit, but IGN was confident in their sources to the point where it was almost posted on the site. In the latest Nintendo Voice Chat podcast, the IGN Nintendo Team did state that Retro Studios is, again, no longer busy with the rumored game.


Nintendo has rested on its laurels in the past, with new iterations from their core franchises ranging from Mario to Pikmin. But apparently, the company a different title of sorts in development…With Shigeru Miyamoto at the helm. IGN’s Matt Casamassina has brought yet another teaser/rumor to the table – Perhaps relating to a project that Nintendo will unveil at E3.

“I think Nintendo’s master designer has some new concoction brewing at the chocolate factory. Not just franchise sequels, but something completely out there…Hopefully it doesn’t turn us purple.”

Consider this a rumor for now, but it looks as though something (presumably) interesting could be on the way and Miyamoto may be “up to something” as Casamassina has stated.


In due time, Mario and Luigi RPG 3 will almost certainly launch in all territories. Until Nintendo shares release date information, however, gamers are left to speculate as to when the game will become available. Two different sources are claiming that the game has been given a tentative scheduled ship date in Europe for July. Website Wii-DS seems to confirm this information based on a promotional booklet, but it’d be best to wait until E3 before believing this rumor.

Source 1, Source 2


Looks like this is the real deal! See full image above (Thanks Jake!)


A rumor is abound that in an issue of Nintendo Power, there is a confirmation that Tatsunoko vs. Capcom is heading to North America. Now, I have the issue right in front of me, and nowhere in the game index is there even a mention of the title. It’s possible that a portion of the upcoming edition of the magazine was leaked, but for now, be wary of the speculation. Capcom’s Christian Svensson did say, however, that some news regarding the title may be released in the coming weeks.

Factor 5 announced today that San Rafael-based studio has been closed. Factor 5 has been rumored for many months now to have been working on Kid Icarus for the Wii and/or a Pilotwings title. A rumor has popped up regarding a “Flight Project” that the company was working on. Players would be allowed to fly all over the world with a number of airplanes and spacecrafts. It’s possible that the title was built around the foundation of the Wii Lair Engine. For now, it’s up in the air if this project is truly something that Factor 5 was/is working on. But it’ll be interesting to see how the next few months unfold, especially with E3 right around the corner.


The latest edition of EDGE may be teasing some Pikmin news. The “next month” page of the latest issue apparently features a zoomed in picture of an empty patch of grass. In the top right-hand corner, however, there is a small blue lilac blob which is said to resemble a Pikmin. Some have gone as far as to claim that the next issue will reveal Pikmin 3. Though, we’ll have to wait and see if this is truly Pikmin related or if it’s an entirely different game.

Source 1, Source

Live Wii is reporting that LostWinds 2 will be revealed at E3. You know how these things go…People hear information from their sources, and that’s about it. In this case, however, it seems more than likely that Frontier would save this year’s E3 for a LostWinds 2 announcement. We know that the game is coming, it’s just a matter of when.


Japanese magazine Nintendo Dream seems to be teasing some Fire Emblem news for its next issue. Though all of this is just a rumor at this point, the June edition of the magazine says that fans of Fire Emblem should “look forward to the next issue.”

“There has been no information about a new game for a while, but… (Fire) Emblem fans, look forward to the next issue.”

As you can see, Nintendo Dream does not explicitly note that a new game will be revealed, but really, what else can it be? Additionally (though this may or may not be related), there is a brief blurb that states, “And the blockbuster game is revealed…!?” that also appears in the magazine. Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon was the last title in the series to be released in Japan, and that was around eight months ago. The franchise’s 20th anniversary is quickly approaching, so perhaps Intelligent Systems is busy developing a new game in honor of that occasion.

Source 1, Source 2, Source 3

A snippet from an official Ubisoft announcement regarding Assassin’s Creed 2 may point to a Wii release. Check it out below:

SAN FRANCISCO – April 16, 2009 – Today Ubisoft announced that Ubisoft Montreal is developing Assassin’s Creed II on all current-generation platforms for a scheduled Holiday 2009 release. The initial installment of Assassin’s Creed® was released in November 2007 to popular and critical success, selling 8 million copies worldwide and garnering awards such as Best Action Game 2007 from 1UP and Outstanding Achievement in Animation from the AIAS.

The main reason to think that the game could be Wii-bound is based on the fact that the game is in development for “all current-generation platforms.” The question is, does that exclude Wii? Not everyone considers the system to be next-gen. Looks like we’ll have to wait for a statement from Ubisoft.

Thanks to Jake for the news tip.

Gamasutra sources say that a game must reach a certain amount of sales before developers can receive pay (“a minimum sales threshold”).

– Per-territory basis
– Mid-four figure range for North America
– Lower-four figure range for European territories
– No pay until a title reaches specified numbers
– Developers have allegedly confirmed the news
– A small independent studio doesn’t believe they will ever reach the sales needed to receive pay
– Nintendo’s response: “Due to the nature of the story, Nintendo is putting forth this response: ‘We do not discuss our internal business dealings.'”

Consider this a rumor for now as there is no real confirmation at this point, but this news does seem likely.


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