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While it would be silly to say at this point that the Wi-Fi multiplayer in The Conduit is in shambles, information that someone has codes for the game doesn’t bode too well. On YouTube, hetoan2 has claimed to be the first Wi-Fi hacker for the game (and the video above does look fairly convincing). Apparently the user is using USB Gecko scripts in order to obtain infinite HP/ammo and no reloads. At the present time, the codes do not appear to be available to the public. However, gamers familiar with Wi-Fi play are probably aware that hacking and cheating can be pretty destructive in multiplayer sessions.

Source 1, Source 2

Anywhere Wii Room
Corporation Room
Travel Room
Gourmet Room
Real Estate Room
Fashion Room
Financial Credit Room
Movie Room
Enterprise Room
Living Room
Playing Room
Medical Room
Nemrem (ArtStyle game)
Zengage (Possible ArtStyle game)
Precipice (Possible ArtStyle game)

There’s a good chance that we may never see any of these trademarks translate to future Wii channels, games, or products. Nintendo might have just decided to take a few protective measures.


According to an unnamed scan which has surfaced on a Japanese forum, the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series is moving from the DS to WiiWare. A partial translation of the scan is now available and apparently, there are three titles in development: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Keep Going! Blazing Adventure Squad, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Let’s Go! Stormy Adventure Squad!, and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Go For It! Light Adventure Squad. It would be wise to mark this as a rumor for now considering no one is aware of which magazine the scan is from. However, there have been a few Pokemon games on WiiWare thus far and bringing the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series to the service may freshen things up a bit.



In more ways than one, Tingle is considered to be the outcast character of the Zelda franchise. But that did not stop Nintendo from letting the man star in his own game. Freshly-Picked Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland for the DS saw a release in both Europe and Japan, but the title never reached North American shores. Even though the game appeared to not have performed fantastically, Nintendo may be readying a new Tingle experience. A scan being passed around the web from the latest Famitsu is hinting that the fairy-crazed, 35-year-old could be involved in a new title. As you can see above, Tingle, a short phrase, and Nintendo’s website appear in the image. Perhaps we’ll hear more about this soon.

A possible release for Modern Warfare 2 on Wii wasn’t looking too promising after it was noticed that the game was missing from both an online retail listing and was absent from the title’s official website. However, Spanish website Revogamer claims that the game can still be expected. In spite of the fact that Activision has yet to provide an official confirmation, the site has apparently learned that a Wii edition is in the works. We’ll see if this pans out in due time, but until then, consider this a rumor.

Wondering which games Nintendo will be featuring at their booth during this week? Well, a few rumors have popped up that tell us which titles they might be. A NeoGAF member claims to have had a quick look at Nintendo’s booth. According to the user, there were huge Sin and Punishment 2/Endless Ocean 2 banners. The Sin and Punishment 2 rumor is not the first time it has appeared. Another member also claimed to have seen the banner. Last but not least, Luigi, a Mario brick square, and a coin were also located in the area.

Here’s one last rumor, but please let me stress that yes, this is speculation and should only be taken as a rumor – for now. According to “Annoying Old Party Man” on NeoGAF, it was said in more or less words that Zelda Wii will be announced tomorrow. Of course, I wouldn’t be posting this if I didn’t believe in the user at all. Believe it or not, “Annoying Old Party Man” predicted last night that Halo Reach would be revealed – And we all know what happened at Microsoft’s conference today. But again, this is by no means a confirmation. It was additionally stressed that the user’s source does not have concrete information about Nintendo’s conference, seeing as how Nintendo is unpredictable. At the same time, however, “Annoying Old Party Man” said that his source “knows about the new Zelda.”

Source 1, Source 2

Retro Studios just opened a twitter account a few weeks ago, and this was the second message posted:

“We think you guys will be pleasantly surprised in just a few hours :)”

Now, Nintendo’s E3 press conference is, technically, a few hours away (more like 26 hours as of this post, but who’s counting)? It seems a bit odd for the company to begin posting from a twitter account with Nintendo’s event on the horizon. Will Retro Studios’ new project finally be unveiled? We’re also going to consider this a rumor until it can be confirmed that it is not a fake twitter account.

Thanks to Jake for the news tip!

Small update: A few more details from the report below

– Compare weight/health with others in Wii Fit Plus
– Mario game will help bolster Wii sales

An article published by Japanese newspaper Nikkei is suggesting that a new Mario game is on the way. As far as the system it would be released for, however, no details were provided. The game is said to be releasing this year. Additionally, the article mentions that Wii Fit Plus will have some sort of online support in addition to improved accuracy. More details on the two titles may very well be released from Nintendo’s upcoming E3 conference.

Source 1, Source 2

Square Enix has been, for the most part, quiet about Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers. Until recently (when a few short videos were made available), the status of the game was in question. However, rumor has it that the game will be at E3. Better yet, Crystal Bearers is said to be playable at the event. The director of the title will be taking interviews, so it’s possible that more information will be shared next week.


An E3 teaser video from Ubisoft seems to suggest that the company may be making a publisher announcement regarding No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle. In the video, there is a post-it note sticking to a woman’s shoe with a list of games – One of which is “NMH2.” Just by quickly thinking about it, one would be able to conclude that it stands for “No More Heroes 2.” It’s certainly more than possible that there will be an announcement from Ubisoft, considering the company published the first title. Their conference is set to be held on Monday, so we’ll know once the event is over.

Source 1, Source 2

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