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Update: According to the same rumor source, the more hardcore Factor 5 game is not Star Wars or Star Fox, it began production in August 2007, and the shooter title technically could still be Kid Icarus granted the shooting elements translated into a Kid Icarus game.

Everyone is pretty much aware with the situation of Factor 5 and Kid Icarus. The company has been rumored to be developing a title in the series for Wii for quite some time now. However, according to new speculation, the projects that Factor 5 have in development are not Kid Icarus-related.

The company is apparently working on two titles for the Wii. One is a casual game while the other is supposedly a third-person shooter. The unnamed shooter is said to allow players to take action on both the ground and in the air. If the casual game is not Kid Icarus, then it looks as though Factor 5 may not be in charge of any such project that has been previously rumored.

As you may remember, leaked concept art for a Kid Icarus title was revealed a few months ago. Alongside that story came more rumors that Factor 5 was sending an approval to Nintendo for a new title in the series. Additionally, Nintendo was alledgely upset that Kid Icarus would not make an appearance at E3 2008 because Factor 5 was dealing with internal problems.

There are a few questions that arise now: Is Factor 5 really not developing a Kid Icarus game for Wii? Is another company overseeing the project? Or was all of the speculation entirely incorrect in the first place?

Not too long ago, news was released of a possible Red Steel 2 preview in next month’s Nintendo Power. Fresh off of that comes some additional hype for a game that is said to be an exclusive to next month’s issue of the Official Nintendo Magazine. This is straight from ONM’s Twitter:

“Neil [ONM editor] is currently in another country looking at our exclusive game for issue 43… what could it be? It’s not Ninjabread Man 2 by the way.”

Two big exclusives in two Nintendo magazines seems like a dream come true. More updates on both of the titles as they become available.

The Resident Evil Classics line was announced alongside the revelation of Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles for Wii. There is now some rumored information pertaining to the RE Wiimakes including details on the product’s scheduled month for release. Archives will become available this June in North America for $29.99. That price fits in exactly with what Capcom shared a few weeks back. Apparently the package will include the remakes of Resident Evil and Resident Evil: Zero, both of which were also confirmed by Capcom in the same press release when Darkside Chronicles was first unveiled. Though this information seems plausible, consider this a rumor until there is an official confirmation from Capcom.

The most recent update to the “Expanded Information” section of the Tiger Woods PGA Tour ’10 Wii page contains an interesting new detail; the game is reportedly going to include an all-new disk golf mode, where players can apparently play disk golf on all 27 courses included in the main game.

If this is true, I think it is safe to expect that the extra mode will be using WiiMotion Plus and will have multi-player support.


As you can see above, Nintendo Power is teasing “one of the year’s biggest action games for Wii.” Based on the sword alone, a good guess would be Red Steel 2. But NGamer was also apparently going to have the scoop but that never fell through.


Gamers keeping track of The Conduit know that the title will support 16 players online and will support modes such as Deathmatch. However, High Voltage Software has yet to reveal how many multiplayer modes will actually be present in the game. However, a rumor has surfaced which gives insight regarding how many modes should be expected.

The following translated information was posted in a recent MeriStation article/preview about the The Conduit:

The multiplayer games via the Wii’s online is key for The Conduit. Players will find a wide range of options for play and access to an automatic searching system for games. In total, there will be 16 players online simultaneously and seven modes of different games, among them “Deathmatch” and “Capture the Flag.”

“The system of matchmaking continues its development and we are very happy with it’s evolution. Now we are introducing more content in multiplayer to extend playability and its duration.” – development team

Regardless of the validity of these details, it is expected that an official press release from SEGA will explain all of the game’s online capabilities in the near future.

Considering the success behind Nintendo’s Balance Board game Wii Fit, it wouldn’t be too surprising to see a sequel – or some sort of improved version – release as well. Someone snapped a photo of a retailer listing in Amsterdam for Wii Fit Plus, which shows that the game would arrive in November. A bundle with the Balance Board would also be available. The listing additionally points to Wii MotionPlus coming in July in Europe, which is not the first time that similar speculation about the product has been heard. We’ll have to see how all of these rumors play out in the future.


Capcom announced last month the Resident Evil Classics line, a series of old RE games that will take advantage of the Wii remote. Specific games that the company announced include Resident Evil and Resident Evil Zero. However, a rumor has appeared in the latest edition of Spanish magazine Hobby Consolas regarding additional Resident Evil titles that could be on the way to Wii. The magazine mentions Resident Evil 2, 3, and Code Veronica, but perhaps it’s possible that Hobby Consolas simply had a misunderstanding of which titles are being remade.

“The game will go on sale at the end of 2009 and will coincide with the reissuing of the Wii classic renditions (Resident Evil 2, 3, and Code Veronica) that will have the same technical section and control system specifically adapted for Nintendo’s console.” – Rough translation

Thanks to Jake for the news tip.

Source 1, Source 2

Before I even begin explaining this rumor, let me say that there’s a good chance that this is an April Fool’s joke. So take the following with a huge grain of salt.

Game Focus is reporting that – after speaking with their Japanese Nintendo contact – a remake of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is in development. An official announcement would follow on April 5. This is something that I personally don’t see happening. If anything, I would expect an announcement to happen at E3, not on some random day, especially when the DSi will be the focus in North America. Who knows though…Stranger things will happen. Find out if this was really an April Fool’s Joke in the following days.

A trademark for Turnabout Prosecutor, registered by Capcom, has been discovered and points to a North American release. The official trademark name is Ace Attorney Investigations and has Miles Edgeworth and Detective Gumshoe using their detective skills to explore crime scenes/putting evidence together to solve cases. Turnabout Prosecutor will not ship until May in Japan. Seeing as how it took about ten months for Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney to receive localization, the game would not become available until at the end of the year in North America at the earliest.


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