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Wii U

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag allows players to rate missions in the game

Associate producer Sylvain Trottier told Eurogamer of the functionality:

“The idea behind this feature is to be able to get the input of our players on their appreciation of each mission. The rating is anonymous and is sent to our servers to be analysed. It’s an idea that came out of discussions between our creative director Jean Guesdon and our executive producer Sébastien Puel. It was implemented early in the production, more than one year ago. It’s also being used during our playtest sessions to gather the player’s feedback.”

“It’s fully optional. It’s a way for our players to tell us directly whether they liked or not the mission. It’s a survey if you prefer. It will help us know which missions are the favourites and which one people like less.”


Along with today’s screenshot, Sakurai passed along the following message:

“The two heroes swing it out with a double Spin Attack! Wouldn’t wanna be to the one to get hit.”

This is what it looks like when you play Wii games on the Wii U Gamepad, and many other details about the process. Enjoy, if you want to.

Somewhat surprisingly, one aspect of Watch_Dogs was inspired by Pac-Man.

Creative director Jonathan Morin told Japanese publication 4Gamer that the game’s NPCs took a note from the ghosts in Namco Bandai’s classic game.

He explained:

“For example the NPCs of Watch_Dogs have the movement pattern of the ghosts appeared in Pac-man. In the algorithm of the ghosts, when there’s only one of them, the movement is simple. But if you increase them to two or three it suddenly becomes complex.”


A little more footage from the Wii U update. Showing skipping and speeding through videos (L/R buttons), PDF compatibility in the browser, trying more loading (retail game, app, downloadable game).

Nintendo has shared the full patch notes of additions/improvements made with the Wii U’s latest update, version 4.0.0. The big highlights are being able to display Wii content on the GamePad, addition of the Friend List icon to the Wii U Menu, updates to Wii U Chat and the Internet browser, and more.

Here’s the full rundown:

Wii U update footage

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 1 Comment

There unfortunately wasn’t a whole lot that I could show here. The big part of the update is off-TV play for Wii games, though I can’t get direct feed of that.

You can get a look at a few tiny changes to the eShop/Miiverse, and the new screenshot feature which allows you to post to social networks. I also did a very short entering/exiting a VC game to show the loading time.

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