Japan getting Zelda: Wind Waker HD Sound Selection CD
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 2 Comments

Nintendo is preparing a special Sound Selection CD for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD in Japan. The item will be made available to Club Nintendo members through a special offer. A total of fifty different pieces will be included on the CD.
Tetris Puyo Puyo announced
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 7 Comments
Tetris Puyo Puyo is now a thing, according to Famitsu. The game has been revealed for the Wii U, 3DS, PlayStation 3, and PS Vita.
Very little has leaked out of Famitsu thus far. However, we do know that a single-player mode will be offered, and multiplayer battle functionality will also be included which combines Tetris and Puyo Puy’s individual systems. We’ll bring you more details as they come in.
30 minutes of Zelda: Wind Waker HD footage
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
These are Stan Lee’s powers in LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 1 Comment
Following in the footsteps of his appearance in The Amazing Spider-Man, Stan Lee will be fully playable in LEGO Marvel Super Heroes. What powers will Lee possess in the game? Kotaku has the rundown covering most of them:
Mind control
Web swing
Hulking out into a super-string Big Figure
Eye blasts (like Cyclops)
Super-malleability (stretchy arms like Mr. Fantastic)
Hacking computers like Bruce banner
Magnetic powers like Magneto
Also worth mentioning, Stan Lee will be able to teleport, and has an adamantanium skeleton similar to Wolverine. When blasted by an attack, players will only be able to control a bunch of tiny metal bones until he regenerates back to his original form.
Awesomenauts not planned for Wii U
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 2 Comments
Awesomenauts isn’t currently planned for Wii U. Developer Ronimo Games explained to 4 color rebellion that the team simply doesn’t have enough resources. And so rather than taking on another version of Awesomenauts, the studio is looking to ensure that other versions of the game meet people’s expectations.
Romino wouldn’t rule out Awesomenauts for Wii U entirely, “but there are no plans for it right now.”
The company said:
“With regards to the WiiU, we currently don’t have plans to bring Awesomenauts to the platform. There is only so much we can work on at one time, and we rather focus on getting one thing done right, than end up with multiple things that didn’t quite get the attention they deserved. I can’t say that it will never happen, but there are no plans for it right now.”
Need for Speed: Rivals producer explains why the game isn’t coming to Wii U
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Need for Speed: Rivals was never expected to come to Wii U based on some of the statements EA has made as of late. Still, NowGamer wanted an asked.
When asked why Rivals isn’t planned for Wii U, executive producer Marcus Nilsson explained:
“From an EA perspective, we look at different console strategies and different platforms and what makes sense for return of investment, what makes sense from tech development and also what do people want to work on. In this particular case, for Rivals at least, Wii U is not one of the platforms.”
After seeing how well Need for Speed: Most Wanted performed on Wii U from a technical standpoint, it’s a shame that the system will be missing out on Rivals. It would have been nice to see how this latest racer stacked up on Nintendo’s console.
“Centi Men” was considered as a name for The Wonderful 101, Platinum’s focus on high-quality games
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 1 Comment
The Wonderful 101 could have been called “Centi Men”, according to director Hideki Kamiya. That was one of a few names that had been considered early on in development.
Kamiya revealed to NintendoWorldReport in an interview:
“Before Wonderful 101, and actually before Wonderful 100 was an idea, there were a lot of ideas. One of those ideas was “Centi Men”. So, on one hand, based on the characters in the game there’s wordplay with sentinels, and also because of the visual design that aesthetic lends to the idea of these little figures, which was suitable for that name, Centi Men. So at that point we had even made designs with the chest pattern, but that was sort of one stop on a road that went through a lot of different ideas, which is pretty typical.”
Later in the interview, Kamiya was asked about The Wonderful 101’s slow start in Japan and whether the game’s poor sales could potentially impact future development. Kamiya responded my speaking about Platinum’s committment to making high-quality games:
“A really important philosophy at Platinum Games is that we absolutely do not want to compromise on quality, and if the quality is there then we gain a trust from fans and if we get trust from fans then that will ultimately result in a satisfying response from users. So, that’s a number one priority and as long as we maintain that high standard for quality and respect and garnered trust from users, then, from Platinum Games’ perspective, that’s something that will allow us to continue forward uninhibited.”
A look at the Super Mario 3D World boxart
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Images, News, Wii U | 7 Comments

The boxart is a bit blurry – we enlarged the image so that it could actually be seen. We’ll be getting a larger (and therefore clearer) image soon I imagine, but this will do for now.
One interesting note: Super Mario 3D World’s boxart has the Nintendo Network logo. I wonder what that means for the game…
Thanks to Tim for the tip.