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Wedbush analyst Michael Pachter has provided his NPD hardware estimates for the month of July 2013.

Here’s the full roundup:

Estimated July hardware sales (year-on-year change)

3DS – 170,000 (29%)
Xbox 360 – 125,000 (-38%)
PS3 – 85,000 (-39%)
Wii – 35,000 (-50%)
Wii U – 30,000 (n/a)
PSP – 4,500 (-60%)
DS – 40,000 (-69%)
Vita – 20,000 (-58%)
PS2 – 500 (-14%)
Industry – 510,000 (-30%)

We’ll know if Pachter’s estimates were correct when the NPD report goes live this Thursday.


The official North American teaser site for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD is now live. You can find the page here.

Unlike most teaser sites, this one does have a bit of content. Visitors can check out a few screenshots from the game.

Thanks to SaveUsFromObscurity for the tip.

Open-world games have often allowed players to take control of an aircraft and fly around the map. Watch_Dogs, however, has no such vehicles.

Speaking with Examiner, senior producer Dominic Guay said:

“Players will not fly aircrafts in Watch Dogs. We did not feel it was core to the experience we wanted to create.”

You’ll still be able to take control of plenty of other vehicles including trucks, motorcycles, and boats. Such means of transportation will let players “explore the city proper, the rivers, the lake and even beyond the limits of Chicago.”

I wonder what that last bit means…

Source, Via


We’ve got the poll ready and waiting for you below. All you need handy is your Nintendo Network ID (if you have a Wii U), your 3DS friend code (if you have a 3DS), and an idea of which online games for those systems you’d want to play this coming Sunday at 4PM ET. We’ll take a look at the votes this Thursday and let you know which games we’ll be playing, in addition to what 3DS/Wii U friends you need to add.

Please don’t fill this out unless you plan on playing this weekend. There will be a new poll each week, so you can fill out a future one if/when you plan on participating.

Click here to fill out the survey

Platinum Games has updated its Wonderful 101 blog with a thirteenth post. You can find it here. Today’s update covers the various items in the game.

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