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Wii U

Jim Gordon, the well-known police commissioner in the DC Comics, will be making an appearance in Batman: Arkham Origins.

Creative director Eric Holmes confirmed on Twitter that the character will be “encountered in the story”. Holmes hope to show him soon, but no exact date has been set.

Holmes also fielded a question about Harley Quinn possibly appearing. No confirmation was made either way, but Holmes did offer up the following:

Thanks to Jake for the tip.



Those who download and play the Rayman Legends Challenges App before August 28 will receive an exclusive bonus in the full game. Ubisoft plans to make the “Funky Ray” costume available to players when Legends launches in just a few weeks.

The company has also confirmed that all Online Challenges cups and “Level of Awesomeness” can be transferred over from the Challenges App.

If you haven’t yet had a chance to play the Rayman Legends Challenges App, now’s the time! Players who have downloaded and played the Wii U App before 28 August will have the Online Challenges cups they earned and Level of Awesomeness transferred to Rayman Legends. They will also receive an exclusive “Funky Ray” bonus costume to unlock in Rayman Legends!


We posted this boxart yesterday, but it was a bit on the small side and in lesser resolution. You can find a better shot below.


Platinum Games has updated its Wonderful 101 blog with a sixth post. Today’s piece is dedicated to additional story elements and some of the game’s enemies.

You can find the post here. New screenshots are available for viewing above.

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