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Wii U

On Twitter, Two Tribes told its followers that it “discovered a new hardware feature of the Wii U that shaves off 100 megabytes of texture memory”. The technique will be used in Toki Tori 2.

The studio later spoke about the advantages of the new feature. Two Tribes says “it means we spend less time loading and have more memory available when the game is running.”


There is footage of both games sprinkled throughout the video below:

Compared to the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions, FIFA 13 on Wii U is kind of a mixed bag. You won’t be getting the First Touch system and the FIFA Street skill system, among other touches made to features such as the Player Impact Engine, tactical defending and precision dribbling.

According to producer Matt Prior:

“Some of the later improvements on 13 we weren’t able to get into the game. So we’ve got version one. They’ve got version two.”

The team took around fourteen months to build FIFA 13. 80 percent of the time was spent on building the game’s foundation, while the other twenty was used to add in new features. That’s why the Wii U title is lacking compared to the other console release.

Amid the news that voice chat will be somewhat unconventional on Wii U, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed developer Sumo Digital has confirmed that the game won’t support voice chat.

Executive producer Steve Lycett said:

“We don’t support voice chat on WiiU for those reasons, one of the side effects of being a launch title basically.”

Maybe we’ll see Wii U voice chat in the inevitable third Sonic racer?

Thanks to Captain N for the tip.


Remember that SNES-like Wii U Pro controller we mentioned a few days back? That one is actually dubbed “Famicom” – understandably so. And that’s not the only Pro Controller on the way.

Reader Koh has sent us images of even more color variations: the real SNES product, along with gold, black, and white schemes. Not much separates the controllers. The set of five all seem to feature a SNES-inspired design in the middle, so the only element that separates them are colors.

Each apparently works with the Wii U and the Wii. Remember though that these aren’t official controllers – they’re being made by a third-party, not Nintendo.

If you’d like to see what the toys look like when they aren’t dismantled, view this post!

Thanks to Derek Austill for the tip.

Here’s that Wii U commercial shown during Homeland earlier today…

Nintendo was initially planning on showing the first Wii U commercial during tonight’s episode of X Factor. For whatever reason, that didn’t happen. It was instead broadcasted on Homeland.

The advert hasn’t made its way online yet. When it does become available, we’ll have it on the site.


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