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Wii U

This video was posted a few months back, but it wasn’t really noticed until recently. I’m sure we’ll be seeing more of this title at E3!

Thanks to Jake for the tip!

Dragon Quest X scan

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii, Wii U | 0 comments

Forget The Box is claiming that a digital e-reader service will be released for Wii U. The site’s source supposedly comes from a software developer approached by Nintendo .

Basically, the application would allow users to download books, magazines, newspapers, comics, and other content. This would include every issue of Nintendo Power, instruction books, and maybe even players guides.

All of this digital content will be accessed through the Wii U’s controller. Each download would include a searchable index and users will be able to flip through the pages on the controller’s touch screen.

Consumers who are subscribed to a particular magazine will receive the latest issue automatically. This can be accomplished even if the console has been turned off.

Apparently, the e-reader service won’t be released only for Wii U. Nintendo has plans to bring it to 3DS as well as they look to share services between the two systems much like the iPhone and iPad.

It’d be best to exercise some caution with this rumor for now. That being said, I personally wouldn’t object to a service like this!


Below are the games that Famitsu’s readers are looking forward to the most…

01. [Wii] Dragon Quest X
02. [PS3] Dragon’s Dogma
03. [PSP] Photo Kano
04. [3DS] Monster Hunter 4
05. [PSV] Persona 4: The Golden
06. [3DS] Animal Crossing
07. [3DS] New Love Plus
08. [PS3] Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
09. [PS3] Asura’s Wrath
10. [3DS] Resident Evil: Revelations
11. [PS3] One Piece: Pirate Musou
12. [PS3] Final Fantasy Versus XIII
13. [PS3] The Last Remnant
14. [PSP] God Eater 2
15. [PS3] Persona 4: The Ultimate in Mayoneka Arena
16. [PSP] Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: MK II
17. [PSV] Tales of Innocence R
18. [3DS] Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
19. [PS3] The Last Guardian
20. [PS3] 2nd Super Robot Wars Original Generation

San Jose Mercury News has a new interview up with Shigeru Miyamoto. Although it’s short, it’s filled with a bunch of interesting information.

Miyamoto discusses how Nintendo is constantly looking to appeal to both the hardcore and casual gamer for Zelda titles, using 3D without distracting players, how he hasn’t been able to find mobile title that he’s enjoyed, and more.

Head past the break for all of Miyamoto’s statements.

Alvion has updated their website with a notice that the studio is looking to hire new staff and that they’ll be working with new platforms next year. It seems that Alvion will be experimenting with the Wii U as well as the 3DS in 2012.

Alvion is perhaps best known for their work on Malicious, which launched for the PlayStation 3 in Japan last year. The company has only published one game for a Nintendo platform. In 2009, Alvion released Poupée Girl for DS.


The first 3DS game to make use of paid downloadable content will be Fire Emblem, according to Nikkei. The site states that Nintendo is looking toward March 2012 to begin paid DLC, which likely means that Fire Emblem will be released during the same month. Players will be able to use credit cards or prepaid cards to purchase new items.

As far as third-parties go, publishers will be able to incorporate paid downloadable content in Summer 2012.

Wii U will also be getting its own share of paid downloadable content, though further details were not provided.

We may hear more about Nintendo’s future DLC plans and Fire Emblem 3DS during the Nintendo Direct presentation later today.


The L.A. Times has a new interview up with Shigeru Miyamoto. Miyamoto was asked to comment on his original “retirement” comments for the umpteenth time, and he apologized for any misunderstanding.

Besides this, there are some other interesting remarks included inside of the interview. Miyamoto is asked about his favorite Nintendo characters (he has a difficult time choosing just one), his influences, and more.

Head past the break for his responses.

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