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Wii U

Most of the screenshots above are new, but we’ve also included a few images that previously contained a watermark from Famitsu.

– Focuses on three strokes concept first revealed at E3
– First stroke represents the katana
– Second stroke represents consequence
– New demo shown at the conference
– New Play Style system
– This system accommodates experienced players and those who aren’t so familiar with Ninja Gaiden
– Two playing styles for the system: Ninja (focuses on action gameplay) and Hero (focuses on story, auto-guard and auto-evade support)
– Demo involved Hayabusa taking on enemies through the streets of London
– Won’t use the same kind of dismemberment system the past games have used because the developers wanted players to feel what it’s like to “cut someone down”
– Developers didn’t shy away from making the game violent and wanted players to feel the consequence of this violence
– Concept for online play: “a world of ninjas”
– Eight-player multiplayer mode
– Challenge other ninjas in the world to become number one
– Will feature close-combat fighting, online multiplayer, and both cooperative and multiplayer experiences


Eiji Aonuma has once again been asked about his thoughts for Zelda on Wii U. While he essentially repeated his previous comments, he did say that the team is “much more interested in looking at the power of the Wii U system and seeing how we can take advantage of that power to do things that we haven’t been able to do in a Zelda game before.” Additionally, Aonuma explained that Skyward Sword will be a title that shows fans “how the Zelda series can change and evolve.”

Aonuma told Game Informer:

“The demo that we showed at E3 was really just more of a rough idea of if all we were to do was to take a Zelda game and put it in HD, this is what it might look like. We’re much more interested in looking at the power of the Wii U system and seeing how we can take advantage of that power to do things that we haven’t been able to do in a Zelda game before…. One of our goals with [Skyward Sword] is to be the first step in illustrating for people how the Zelda series can change and evolve.”


SEGA has said outright that Sonic Generations isn’t coming to Wii. However, Nintendo has a much more powerful console launching next year that could certainly handle the project. So, would SEGA consider porting the title to Wii U?

Apparently it’s something that the company is thinking about. In order for it to happen, though, sales of the PlayStation 3/Xbox 360 version of the game will have to surpass their internal expectations. TSSZ says that, according to their source, a “secondary” game is in the works for the new console.

“Regarding the prospects of a Wii U Generations port, our source indicates Sega could prepare it for the system’s launch sometime next year, but only if sales of existing versions far exceed Sega’s internal expectations. Even if that doesn’t pan out, the source says there indeed is a Sonic in the works for the system, and it is likely another secondary title. If that holds, it would continue Sega’s strategy of keeping primary fare on XBOX 360 and PS3, while Nintendo consoles get their own unique games.”


New Dragon Quest X scans

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii, Wii U | 0 comments

Thanks to Jake for the tip!

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