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Deep Silver likely funded Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night

Posted on June 19, 2015 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

Siliconera recently asked Koji Igarashi if there are any plans to work with Deep Silver on Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. For those who are unaware, Inti Creates is making Mighty No. 9 as well as Bloodstained, and Deep Silver is handling publishing for the former title.

Here’s how Igarashi responded:

While this is not official, but…it may as well be, as the [person] who is putting the most money into Bloodstained, it’s up to them when they want to announce their participation. I’m just going to say that I’m not officially saying ‘yes’ or ‘no,’ but I do want to say that the backend investment is what allowed me to make the game. I am 100% appreciative of them having faith in me. I hope everyone feels the same way, because without them, I never would have been able to get this far.

We literally went everywhere we could beforehand. First and foremost, I feel an incredible degree of appreciation [toward this publisher]. As for the actual relationship and how that’s going to work out, that’s something that will be from here on out. Any time an independent creator can get to keep their IP…

Ben Judd, who is a part of the Bloodstained team, added: “I almost felt defeated as an agent, but then we finally found a partner and we couldn’t have asked for a better one.” He also said that “it becomes a great collaborative relationship.”


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