[Feature] Me and my amiibo – Why Nintendo’s plastic gamble means more to me than I thought
Author: Kira
With the recent release of Super Smash Bros. Wii U and the 1st and 2nd wave of amiibo, I have started to reflect on how these little NFC “Figure Players” have added an entirely new dynamic to the series that we’ve never had during this franchise’s history. With the addition of the amiibo we’re given an array of new possibilities that add depth and scope to a game that already had quite a bit for a brawler, and even with other companies having already released similar types of “toy” peripherals we are seeing a whole new side to what the future might hold for video games.

You’re able to teach and raise your amiibo in any way you see fit, and as they battle they’ll pick up different tactics and characteristics from strong opponents. As your amiibo continues to have different experiences, during each battle they will adapt and change creating a truly unique gameplay experience. You can further enhance this experience by feeding them special equipment with special attributes to impact their attack, speed, and defense. After all your hard work your amiibo shows their appreciation in the form of gifts that you can collect after battles. With all the ways that you can impact how your amiibo grows and develops throughout their leveling you can ensure that each one will be truly unique even when put up against another amiibo of the same character.
Now that I have had some time to spend with my amiibo and Smash, I’ve noticed quite a few different nuances as to how these “Figure Players” impact the gameplay and overall experience. One of the biggest contrasts thus far really has to do with the differences of playing against an amiibo or CPU. It seems as if during your gameplay with an amiibo there is much more evading and dodging of your attacks as they learn how you play. Playing against an amiibo really feels as if you are playing against a friend rather than an AI, and even the Smash seems more impressive and damaging than that of the same character CPU, even at max level. When you do battle a CPU at max level all you feel is that the CPU is now attacking harder and faster, as opposed to battling against your amiibo you feel as if they are adjusting to your play style and will react differently or better to try and catch you when your guard is down, making for a much more fun and challenging battle.
The other difference is your ability to play with your amiibo as a team. Initially for me, I was disappointed that I would be unable to play as my amiibo but now I realize that to play with them is even better! Not only do you get to benefit from all the hard work you put into “raising” your amiibo, you also get to enjoy some good, honest fun. While you battle with them you will come to realize that they can be a huge asset to a successful Smash and since your amiibo has the ability to learn your play style you will find them at times almost sensing your weaknesses and stepping in to compensate for them, much like a friend would that you have played with for awhile and even at times double teaming the same opponent to ensure a maximum Smash.

Whether you choose to battle against or with your amiibo the possible battle combinations are endless; you against your amiibo, you with a friend against both your amiibo, you and your amiibo against a friend and their amiibo, even you against three of your amiibo, there is no stopping the possibilities!
One more possibility that these “Figure Players” bring to the table: imagine what this will do for someone who would otherwise be unable to play a game like this, whether it be due to a handicap, age, or other factors. This opens up a whole new world that previously might have been unreachable. No matter what their situation or handicap they will be able to participate in a way that they haven’t been able to do before, and since they are customizing their amiibo’s abilities and feeding and nurturing them it will be as if their handicap no longer exists.
No matter how you decide to Smash, this newest addition to a much beloved franchise is sure to bring equal amounts of joy and at times pain to all those who choose to embark on this crazy mission (especially if you’re like me and you NEED to collect them all!).
Now there are only two things that could make this even better:
1. We need a Pokewalker/Fit meter style apparatus that will allow us to safely store and transport our chosen amiibo for a much safer way of adventuring out.
2. We SO need an amiibo tournament!
So how will you and your amiibo Smash?