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Hideki Kamiya again mentions interest in working with Viewtiful Joe, Okami

Posted on November 23, 2023 by (@NE_Brian) in GameCube, News, Switch, Wii

Viewtiful Joe Okami Hideki Kamiya

Hideki Kamiya has again expressed interest in working on Viewtiful Joe as well as Okami. Kamiya – who recently left PlatinumGames and was director on both projects – made a few brief remarks about both IPs in a new video published on his YouTube channel today.

As for Viewtiful Joe, Kamiya said that he “actually had the story for a third Viewtiful Joe all thought out.” He also feels that he left Okami “unfinished”.

Kamiya said:

“Of course, I’d love to work on them if I ever get a chance. I actually had the story for a third Viewtiful Joe all thought out. I’ve always wanted to make it. I wonder if Capcom would let me make another Viewtiful Joe… Okami, too. I feel like I left that unfinished, so if we could make that happen as well, I’d be happy.”

Viewtiful Joe arrived on the GameCube in 2003 with the sequel arriving a little over a year later. Some may have forgotten, but the series also saw Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble plus the DS-exclusive Viewtiful Joe: Double Trouble.

As for Okami, we should mention that the IP received a follow-up with Okamiden – another DS-only title. However, Kamiya was not involved as he was with PlatinumGames at the time. 

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