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Metroid Prime: FF – 3 major planets, no scanning, will see Metroids and Samus, response to fans, more

Posted on June 17, 2015 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

This information comes from Metroid Prime series producer Kensuke Tanabe…

– Use the New 3DS’ second stick to look around
– Also runs on regular 3DS
– Tanabe feels Blast Ball could serve as a replacement for a traditional tutorial in terms of getting players accustomed to classic Metroid Prime controls

On the game’s premise…

Tanabe: I’m sure once you play the actual game you’ll be able to get a feel of it and a better understanding of what the game is. As you mentioned, when you experience Blast Ball, you can probably feel that the controls are exactly the same as the Metroid Prime series. And on top of the control scheme being the same as the Metroid Prime series, you can also tell that the whole environment is still in the Metroid Prime universe, including the background music as well.

On how it doesn’t seem like a Metroid game, and how it came to be…

Tanabe: Originally, since 10 years ago, I’ve been thinking about the concept for this game. Back then I was working on the three main Prime games…

So Metroid Prime Hunters [on DS] was one title that I wanted to shift the focus a little bit by introducing some new bounty hunters. One thing I wanted to do since back then was focusing on the galactic federation members, focusing on them and having a fight with the space pirates. It’s sort of like a different perspective that I’m taking with this game to create sort of an opportunity to expand, to broaden the universe.

On single-player…

Tanabe: You can certainly play single-player mode as well. But I’m sure it would be a lot more fun if you are playing as four players.

On how it plays…

Tanabe: To clarify, there’s no four against four players. The three-against-three concept is in Blast Ball, but the co-op four player mode where you fight as a team against space pirates.

On the world and missions…

Tanabe: First off, we have three major planets. There will be, roughly, 10 different missions on each planet. It will be a way for you to go between those three planets on and off going through an adventure.

On whether it’s more of an action game given the shooting focus…

Tanabe: In that way, I think it is closer to Hunters. There are obviously areas for you to look around and explore as well. Hunters focused more on the shooting portion. In this game you’ll be able to have other types of things you can experience throughout the gameplay.

On whether there’s scanning…

Tanabe: There’s no scanning aspects in this game.

On whether there’s Metroids…

Tanabe: [laughs] You will be able to see them. There’s a certain mission.

On how people seem disappointed, and how fans seem to want a classic 2D Metroid/exploration 3D Metroid…

Tanabe: So I’d like to first clarify the difference between the 2D games and the Metroid Prime games. First off, I’m assuming you’re familiar with Yoshio Sakamoto. He is sort of the keeper of the Metroid series. For me, I’m more on the side of the Metroid Prime with the first-person view. To be honest, since Sakamoto is on the side of the 2D games, I can’t speak for him at this time. I won’t be able to tell you what’s in his mind.

Tanabe: Based on the things I’ve been hearing, there are a lot of people talking about the Blast Ball being sort of a mini-game almost, a sports type of thing. But I do believe that once everyone gets a chance to play the actual main game, you will definitely be able to experience the universe that everyone is looking forward to. [Also,] in Metroid Prime, because you have the first-person view, people actually don’t see Samus because they are being Samus themselves. So in that way you’ll have the same standpoint. You’re part of the galactic federation and seeing the world in the first-person. So in a way you get the same feeling.

Tanabe: Personally, I don’t feel like I am creating anything that is a side-story. Until now, we’ve never had a game focusing on the Federation Force fighting against the space pirates. So the main idea here is that I sort of wanted to change that focus a little bit and see it from a different view from the same universe. So as I briefly mentioned earlier, once you play the game you’ll be able to feel that Metroid Prime universe. So it’s kind of… at this point it’s a little difficult I’m sure for both sides to get that idea…

Tanabe: …for players who haven’t touched the game, it’s really difficult to imagine that feeling you get when you touch the game. So it’s a kind of an unfortunate situation at this time, but it’s something I definitely look forward to having the users touch it and play and experience the awesomeness of it.

Tanabe: It’s not really because it’s not ready at all. You’ll be able to see a few portions of it during the Treehouse Live segment that we’re going to have during the show.

Tanabe: So there are still some adjustments we have to make on the gameplay itself, so in that way we felt more comfortable in showing Blast Ball on the show floor for everyone to experience it and get the feel of it.

On whether Samus is in the Federation Force…

“You’ll be able to see her somewhere in the game.”

– Wants players to define their own roles
– Players in the main mode will be moving around in mechs that are outfitted before each mission
– Players can choose to be more of a “healer” by equipping repair capsules
– Others might arm their mech with super missiles. Power-ups have weight, so players will have to balance what they carry
– Overseen by Nintendo’s Yoshihito Ikebata and Ryuichi Nakada

On the bounty hunter characters in Metroid Prime Hunters…

“The bounty hunters in Metroid Prime Hunters were … defeated, but I think he left Sylux for something later on.”


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