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General Nintendo

A good number of people have awful memories of the Super Mario Bros. from 1993. The movie was, perhaps, the biggest reason as to why some cringed at the thought of a live Zelda film. A Metroid movie, however, has been believed to be in production for many months now. Another rumor has been spreading which involves the producer of the film. Rumor has it that Micheal Bay, who most recently finished work on Transformers, will be producing the movie. Currently, Bay has film related work up until 2010, in which three movies will be released in 2009 and one for 2010. In one year four movies that involved Bay were released, so it is possible that he could have other projects in store.

Thanks to Jolt and Ninty for the tip!


Nintendo is ditching Leipzig, for this year at least, in part because of the success of smaller events they have set up in the past. Of course, these events will be following E3. Some events will be for the media while others will be open to the public as well.

In August 2008, Nintendo Germany with its own booth at the Games Convention in Leipzig.

With smaller local events and national promotional tours, where some completely novel concepts for the portable Nintendo DS and the home console Wii were presented, the company has in recent months many positive experiences.

In the second half of 2008, Nintendo is therefore held to a central exhibition event in nationwide presence in a variety of living environments, his video games so with many opportunities to experience directly.


“People always use that [Grand Theft Auto] as an example of violence in games. But I don’t think there’s anyone who takes their job as seriously as the guys who make that game. You only have to look at all the detail in there. I believe we’re following morality as well in only showing violence between combatants. I think the ‘violence issue’ is something that is within each individual who plays the game.” – Tomonobu Itagaki

I have to agree that Rockstar Games does develop some amazing games – almost as if they were made at a pinpoint craft. Unfortunately, individuals will go against these types of games and will even go as far as to blame particular violent acts committed in real life on violent titles.



Ubisoft may finally be abandoning their notorious “Petz” label for their own developed camera. On May 9, the company registered the “Play CamCam” trademark most notably for “games software and electronic game programs” and “cartriges for console and individual, portable gaming systems.” Ubisoft is known for strictly publishing and developing software, so for the company to allow itself to step outside familiar territory could end up being dangerous. Nonetheless, it’s interesting as to what Ubisoft plans to use the camera for. Could we be in for a “Pets: Dogz Camera” title?

In an interview with Wired, Microsoft’s Shane Kim dodged the prospect on a motion sensing controller, giving the traditional, “We don’t comment on rumors or speculation” response. Additionally, when questioned when a winner in the console war can be crowned, Kim noted that the “war” can be called “When somebody’s well on their way to reaching 100 million units.”

Of course, that’s only Microsoft’s way of determining the winner of this console generation. Nintendo has earned undeniable success in the market for now, however. If Nintendo keeps up at the current rate, the big N will be remembered as creating the dominant Wii for this generation.


A – M

1UP Network; Akella; Atari Inc.; Bethesda Softworks; Capcom USA Inc.; Crave Entertainment; Codemasters; D3Publisher of America; Deep Silver; Disney Interactive Studios, Inc.; Electronic Arts; Eidos Interactive; Fox Interactive Media; Indie Games; Jagex, Ltd.; Konami Digital Entertainment America; LucasArts; Majesco Entertainment Company; Microsoft Corporation; Midway Games, Inc.; MTV Games;

N – Z

Namco Bandai Games America, Inc.; Natsume, Inc.; Nintendo of America Inc.; Novint Technologies, Inc.; Nyko Technologies; Rebellion; SEGA of America, Inc.; Serious Games Initiative; Sony Computer Entertainment America, Inc.; Sony Online Entertainment Inc.; Southpeak Interactive; Square Enix USA; Take-Two Interactive; Tecmo; THQ Inc.; Toshiba America Information Systems; Ubisoft Entertainment Inc.; Valve Software; and, Warner Brothers Interactive Entertainment Inc.



Nintendo Power’s moon has stirred up quite a bit of discussion. People have been antsy, waiting in anticipation to find out which title Nintendo Power was referring to in its last issue. The knowledge that the mystery game is a third-party narrows the playing field a bit, yet there are still endless possibilities that lie in store for Nintendo Power’s innocuous moon. Here are a few that could definitely be featured next month, although there are many, many other possibilities…


New iterations in the Castlevania series would be the most likely title(s) to be revealed in next month’s Nintendo Power. The series has always been associated with the moon, vampires, and other dark content. Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia was recently confirmed for the DS and Koji Igarashi hinted at a Wii Castlevania. Nintendo Power also teased readers that they would reveal a “game or two.” Therefore, next month, Nintendo Power might be showing off Order of Ecclesia for the DS and another Castlevania title for Wii.

Harvest Moon

The Wii has seen its fair share of Harvest Moon titles, so another game announcement wouldn’t be completely farfetched. It also doesn’t hurt that “moon” is part of the Harvest Moon title, too. However, Nintendo Power very recently previewed the upcoming Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility game for the Wii. Would Natsume really announce another game even though they already have a Harvest Moon title releasing in North America in just a few months?


Platinum Games title

Does that moon in back of the Platinum Games logo seem familiar? It should, since it is nearly identical to Nintendo Power’s moon image. Nintendo Power could be showing off MadWorld, Platinum Games’ extremely mature title or perhaps an unannounced game. After all, Platinum Games confirmed that they do have one additional title in development, though it is unknown which console it will release on.

Planet Moon title

The picture of the moon on the last page of Nintendo Power may have been an indirect hint rather than a clear indication of the game(s) the staff are planning on revealing next issue. It is possible that NP will be revealing a game from Planet Moon, a company that has expressed interest in Wii development? Based on Planet Moon’s history on Wii, a possible game from the company may be more of a casual title. Nonetheless, it could be promising.


The blood battle between Grand Theft Auto 4 and Ocarina of Time has been comparable to a ping-pong battle, except with some added controversy. Apparently, a review was removed/changed from the reviews aggregator Game Rankings, which caused Ocarina of Time to drop to the position of third best game ever. For now, however, the title is back on top, barely ahead of the two versions of GTA4. The war between Grand Theft Auto 4 and Ocarina of Time is sure to continue on for awhile. Then again, does it really matter considering they’re both great games?


New/renewed trademarks have popped up in Japan recently, two of which include Wario. Trademarks (whether they’re new or just being renewed is unknown) for both WarioWorld and WarioLand have been discovered, which may hint at new games for the DS, Wii, and perhaps, WiiWare. At one point, rumors of four Wario titles in development were made known from a somewhat reliable source and Nintendo does essentially have a third option to release a game because of WiiWare. The last “true” Wario game – Wario: Master of Disguise – was not exactly the best, so a good sequel would be more than deserved.


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