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Capcom pushed back the Japanese release of Monster Hunter 4 to summer. At the time, the company said it made the decision in order to improve the game’s quality. But Japanese magazine Game Lab offers a different reason: Monster Hunter 4 is also in the works for the PS Vita.

For what it’s worth, Game Lab’s rumors tend to be hit or miss. A considerable amount of its speculation never resulted in anything, but it was one of the first sources claiming that God Eater 2 would be made for the PS Vita. Turns out that was true.

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NetherRealm Studios’ Ed Boon recently posted an image on Twitter that appears to hint at certain content for Injustice: Gods Among Us.

The photo was actually a seemingly random tweet that has nothing to do with the game. But, perhaps unintentionally, it gives a look at Boon’s computer desktop and a few folders. Three folders can be clearly made out: Penguin, Martian Manhunter and DLC.

Downloadable content in Injustice wouldn’t come as a surprise, though that has not been confirmed. Penguin and Martian Manhunter haven’t been announced as playable characters either. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see how this plays out…

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NeoGAF user “suikodan” claims that his Nintendo Network ID was deleted after Nintendo detected a Miiverse drawing from his underage niece.

After the drawing was made, the niece made sure to ask suikodan to include the message “Drawing made by my 10yo niece”. A week later, suikodan noticed an email stating that his Nintendo Network ID had been taken down. Nintendo’s reasoning? The company apparently said “a children need parental consent to create an Account online”.

The situation has since been resolved. After contacting a Nintendo customer service representative, suikodan was told that he would be able to download any titles attached to the account.

This story is almost too crazy to be true. But knowing how seriously Nintendo considers the online interaction of children and privacy, it’s certainly possible.

It appears that Nintendo will be releasing a Fire Emblem: Awakening bundle in North America next month. If the image above can be trusted, the package will include a specially-designed system (original, not XL) and a copy of the game. I’m guessing it’ll be like the Japanese 3DS bundle released in Japan last year.

We’re not quite sure about the original source, but it looks like the photo was taken from some sort of ad. Keep those fingers crossed until an official announcement is made.

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In just under eleven hours, Satoru Iwata will host a short Nintendo Direct – or “Pokemon Direct”. Iwata is expected to make some sort of big announcement relating to the Pokemon game series.

The content of the reveal is completely under wraps, but we may have a small clue as to what is in store.

Nintendo Direct pages from both Nintendo of Europe and Nintendo of Australia contain a couple of 3DS keywords – “nintendo 3ds” and “3ds”. Notice there’s no Wii U there!

Tomorrow’s announcement may very well be a new Pokemon 3DS game. Most probably would have anticipated this type of reveal, but this does kind of rule out the possibility of a Wii U title. We’ll know for sure tomorrow.

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Crash Bandicoot has been dormant for many years. The last mainline entry, Crash: Mind over Mutant, came out in 2008. There have been a few mobile titles released since then, and Radical Entertainment did work on a couple of cancelled projects.

Perhaps a reboot could be in the cards. One eagle-eyed NeoGAF member came across a photo from Vicarious Visions’s Facebook page, which seems to show a new design for Crash Bandicoot tucked away in the corner.

Could there be a brand new title in the works? If so, will it feature an updated Crash Bandicoot?

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In terms of content purchased from the Wii U eShop, having a Nintendo Network ID is pointless. At least for now, games downloaded from the store aren’t tied in to your account. They’re instead locked to the system itself… so it would appear.

One NeoGAF user, “DSN2K”, claims to have received access to a number of free titles after receiving a previously used console. That’s in spite of the fact that a new account was apparently set up on the same Wii U, and DSN2K says the system was wiped before he received access to it. He was able to download digital games such as Trine 2: Director’s Cut and Nano Assault Neo without paying a cent.

There are likely two possibilities here – either the console wasn’t completely, 100% wiped, or all Wii U eShop content is indeed tied to the hardware itself.


Call of Duty: Black Ops II’s first downloadable content may have been leaked. Titled “Revolution”, the pack will contain four maps and one new weapon – Hydro, Grind, Downhill and Mirage areas, along with the Peacekeeper SMG (Sub-Machine Gun).

The image above popped up on the official Call of Duty forums. As of now, Activision has yet to confirm the DLC’s validity. Be on the lookout for updates.

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Purchasing mature content from the European Wii U eShop is… inconvenient. Currently, consumers can only buy such titles between 11 PM and 3 AM due to a law originating from Germany.

But in its latest podcast, ONM claims that a fix is in the works. If true, one would think that Wii U users wouldn’t be as limited when it comes to mature content on the eShop.

Take this update with a grain of salt until Nintendo of Europe makes an official comment.

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NeoGAF member “Mama Robotnik” has written up a brilliant feature on Silicon Knights. The post goes well into detail regarding the studio’s early times, debacles, and cancelled projects.

Much has been said about Silicon Knight’s Eternal Darkness 2 (perhaps one of the studio’s most-anticipated yet not-officially-announced projects), but we’ve never seen any assets from the game. Screenshots have never popped up online, nor have concept arts of any kind.

Thanks to some findings by Mama Robotnik, we may finally have some renders/art from Eternal Darkness 2. A former Silicon Knights 3D character artist included the images below in a couple of folders that could very well be from the game.

The purple creature in particular was probably created for Eternal Darkness 2 based on the fact that Mantorok was the only surviving ancient. The other ancients were able to create red/blue/green undead monsters, so Mantorok would have likely made his own purple soldiers in the sequel.


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