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Over the past few months, there have been many rumors about third-parties producing content for Project Cafe. For instance, some outlets have claimed that Rockstar has been working on Grand Theft Auto V for Nintendo’s next console. Although that specific rumor is questionable, it is possible that we’ll be seeing some significant announcements from third-parties on Tuesday.

GameTrailers Editor in Chief Shane Satterfield has apparently heard that “there is going to be some big third-party announcements for Nintendo’s new console at the show”. That was said on the latest episode of the site’s Invisible Walls show. It sounded like he was going to elaborate on his comment, but Michael Pachter interrupted him. So, unfortunately, that was all that was said about third-parties and Project Cafe.

“I have kind of heard some things through the grapevine there is going to be some big third-party announcements for Nintendo’s new console at the show, there’s no doubt about that.”

Update: Andriasang has modified their original report regarding Project Cafe’s release date. Nikkei’s article states that it could ship in mid 2012, rather than in the latter half of the year (thanks Thomas N!).

All of the points below come from reputable Japanese outlet Nikkei. The details should still be treated as a rumor for now, but keep in mind that Nikkei has leaked a bunch of information in the past relating to Nintendo and their E3 conferences.

– Controller has a touch screen
– Tablet-like controls for games
– Controller can be used as a portable game machine
– Touch panel is six inches
– Built-in battery
– Camera included
– Camera can be used in many ways, like making an avatar and using it in-game
– Releasing in the latter half of 2012


During Satoru Iwata’s GDC speech back in March, Nintendo’s president teased news regarding Zelda’s 25th anniversary. Unfortunately, Iwata only said that Shigeru Miyamoto has been working on a plan to allow all lovers of the franchise to celebrate together.

That was quite a mysterious statement, and fans have been left wondering what it could mean. Thankfully they won’t have to wait much longer to find out what Nintendo has up their sleeves.

Famitsu held a live-stream of a Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D preview with Eiji Aonuma earlier today. Although most of the time was spent previewing the upcoming 3DS title, Aonuma apparently said that anniversary plans for Zelda will be shared at E3. I missed most of the event and I don’t speak Japanese, so I can’t confirm the rumor. But it would most definitely make sense to feature the news at E3, especially if it’s a new game.

Anyone want to take a guess as to what they’re working on?


Hironobu Sakaguchi was recently in Paris to attend a concert performed by Masashi Hamauzu. While he was there, apparently French website GameBlog was able to discuss The Last Story’s future in Europe. The site reports that Sakaguchi actually confirmed that the title will be released in Europe, but failed to provide further details.

With a Nintendo rep and Sakaguchi saying that The Last Story is heading to Europe, the chances of the game arriving in the continent are quite high. Now all we need is an official announcement from the Big N. Perhaps we’ll hear something at E3 next week…


Rumor has it that a Nintendo representative “confirmed” that The Last Story is heading to Europe. The spokesperson was asked about the title at the London MCM expo. I wouldn’t get too excited just yet, as reps have provided wrong information many times before. However, this is an encouraging sign, and if true, hopefully the game will make an appearance at E3.


The first round of Nintendo-related Rayman Origins rumors indicated that the title would eventually be revealed for the Wii and DS. While the former is all but confirmed, we haven’t heard anything official about a possible portable version.

At this point, it’s unlikely that the game will arrive on Nintendo’s previous handheld system. But what about the 3DS? A CV from Ubisoft Casablanca’s Mark Arif Yassine Ancheta hints that an announcement could be on the way.

Google shows that Ancheta’s “DoYouBuzz” page once contained the phrase “Portage de Rayman Origins sur 3DS”. His profile has been updated and the listing has been removed, but it was definitely there at one point. In any case, that sure sounds like a 3DS port/version to me!

Rumors regarding Project Cafe’s have died down in recent weeks, though now that E3 is fast approaching, the speculation is beginning to pick up once again. Develop has published a bit of gossip they’ve been hearing from their sources, most of which pertains to a front-facing camera system for the console’s controller.

The site claims that they can confirm some of the previous rumors spread by other outlets, such as the six inch touch screen on the controller. A stylus may or may not be used – that’s unclear at this point.

New to the rumor pile is the apparent front-facing camera, which can be used for in-game images. Develop did not provide any additional information. The site’s source does have reason to believe that the 3DS could be used as a replacement controller, though that, too, is just speculation.

“The functions are the same. It is a standard wireless controller added with a front-facing camera and touch screen. That sounds far too much like a 3DS to me. But I can’t confirm this, Nintendo is being very cautious about the details.”

Ubisoft has been developing a Tintin game (apparently for the Wii and PlayStation 3, at the very least) for a considerable amount of time. Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn was announced almost two years ago – at Ubisoft’s E3 2009 conference to be exact. Since then, we haven’t heard much about the project.

It looks like Ubisoft will finally be sharing more at this year’s E3, if usually reliable Twitter user Supererogatory is to be believed. That’d definitely make sense, as the Tintin movie will be out in movie theaters in December.

As we’ve learned previously, the game is being led by Rayman creator Michel Ancel. Supererogatory notes that Ancel’s team was making Beyond Good & Evil 2 until development switched to the Tintin title. Once that project ships, work on Beyond Good & Evil 2 will supposedly resume.


There are a few items on the list below that are confirmed, such as Excitebike and Mega Man Legends 3 Prologue. Zelda, Xevious and Super Mario Land are also likely based on what Nintendo has said previously. Other inclusions on the list are questionable and should be considered as a rumor until something official is provided by Nintendo.

3DS Ware – Rockman Dash 3 Prologue (200 yen), Petitcom (800 yen)
DSi Ware – import DSi Ware from DSi to 3DS
3D Classic – classic titles in 3D, Excitebike, Legend of Zelda and Xevious will be available
Virtual Console GameBoy – Ikari no Yousai, Phantasm
Virtual Console Game Gear – Sonic & Tails 2, Sonic Drift 2, Dragon Crystal, Columns
Virtual Console GameBoy Color – Super Mario Land, The Legend of Zelda DX (Demo)
Virtual Console PC ENgine – games TBA
Demos – 3D Video Player, 3D Game Trailer/Previews Channel, Fuji TV and Nippon TV Previews


We haven’t heard much about Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater 3D since it was revealed at last year’s E3. Hideo Kojima did speak about the game’s release date many months ago, but only promised that it will be released sometime this year.

If MCV is to be believed, Konami is planning a late 2011 launch for Snake Eater. More specifically, the site has learned that it will launch this November. Konami obviously hasn’t confirmed the news, though we may hear something official at E3 next month.


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