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Rumor: Pokemon Sword/Shield – possible list of returning Pokemon for The Crown Tundra

Posted on June 20, 2020 by (@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Switch

Pokemon Sword/Shield - The Crown Tundra

The Isle of Armor DLC for Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield added in just over 100 returning Pokemon from previous games. Later this year, there’ll be another drop of familiar creatures. Game Freak intends to bring back even more Pokemon for the launch of The Crown Tundra this fall.

We won’t have the official lineup of returning Pokemon from the second DLC until the official release. However, based on findings from The Isle of Armor, we may have the potential list. As spotted by Twitter user abcboy101, Game Freak has apparently deleted certain entries from the Pokedex while others have been left blank (aside from Mewtwo, Mew, Cobalion, Terrakion, and Virizion, which are already available but not with Pokedex entries). The Pokemon that were deleted are rumored to be returning since something similar took place prior to the arrival of The Isle of Armor.

Here’s the list making the rounds:

029 Nidoran♀
030 Nidorina
031 Nidoqueen
032 Nidoran♂
033 Nidorino
034 Nidoking
041 Zubat
042 Golbat
124 Jynx
125 Electabuzz
126 Magmar
138 Omanyte
139 Omastar
140 Kabuto
141 Kabutops
142 Aerodactyl
144 Articuno
145 Zapdos
146 Moltres
147 Dratini
148 Dragonair
149 Dragonite
169 Crobat
238 Smoochum
239 Elekid
240 Magby
243 Raikou
244 Entei
245 Suicune
249 Lugia
250 Ho-Oh
252 Treecko
253 Grovyle
254 Sceptile
255 Torchic
256 Combusken
257 Blaziken
258 Mudkip
259 Marshtomp
260 Swampert
304 Aron
305 Lairon
306 Aggron
333 Swablu
334 Altaria
345 Lileep
346 Cradily
347 Anorith
348 Armaldo
359 Absol
363 Spheal
364 Sealeo
365 Walrein
369 Relicanth
371 Bagon
372 Shelgon
373 Salamence
374 Beldum
375 Metang
376 Metagross
377 Regirock
378 Regice
379 Registeel
380 Latias
381 Latios
382 Kyogre
383 Groudon
384 Rayquaza
442 Spiritomb
443 Gible
444 Gabite
445 Garchomp
466 Electivire
467 Magmortar
480 Uxie
481 Mesprit
482 Azelf
483 Dialga
484 Palkia
485 Heatran
486 Regigigas
487 Giratina
488 Cresselia
494 Victini
531 Audino
564 Tirtouga
565 Carracosta
566 Archen
567 Archeops
615 Cryogonal
641 Tornadus
642 Thundurus
645 Landorus
649 Genesect
696 Tyrunt
697 Tyrantrum
698 Amaura
699 Aurorus
703 Carbink
716 Xerneas
717 Yveltal
718 Zygarde
719 Diancie
721 Volcanion
785 Tapu Koko
786 Tapu Lele
787 Tapu Bulu
788 Tapu Fini
793 Nihilego
794 Buzzwole
795 Pheromosa
796 Xurkitree
797 Celesteela
798 Kartana
799 Guzzlord
803 Poipole
804 Naganadel
805 Stakataka
806 Blacephalon

We do have to caution once again that this list is not official. When The Crown Tundra launches later in 2020, we’ll report back with the final lineup of Pokemon that have been brought back.

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