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Nintendo and Epic talked about a Samus Aran skin in Fortnite

Posted on April 22, 2024 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

Samus Aran Metroid Fortnite

Samus Aran and the Metroid series could have been represented in Fortnite, and while Nintendo and Epic discussed the idea, that ultimately didn’t come to be.

That news comes from Donald Mustard, the former chief creative officer of Epic Games. Mustard chatted about his time working on Fortnite with Game File, including discussions that were held with Nintendo.

As for Samus / Metroid in Fortnite, it would have only happened under Nintendo’s terms. This is true to how the company operates. Specifically, Mustard said Nintendo would have only accepted Samus appearing as a skin on Switch. This goes against what Fortnite has done in the past, however. PlayStation and Xbox both shared their IPs with Fortnite, and skins for characters such as Kratos and Master Chief are available on all platforms.

This isn’t the first time we’re hearing about Samus possibly appearing in Fortnite. As part of the Epic vs. Apple court battle a few years ago, the skin was mentioned in an official document. However, this is the first time we’re truly hearing about someone confirming it on the record.

Epic’s head of Fortnite’s ecosystem, Saxs Persson, did mention at the end of last year that Nintendo and Epic had discussions in the past about its IPs in Fortnite. Although nothing has happened yet, he hopes to see it happen some day.

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