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Arcade Archives

Hamster is continuing to bring classic arcade titles to Switch through its Arcade Archives series of ports this week by bringing the top-down shoot-’em-up Gunnail to the Switch eShop. Here are the details on this latest entry, courtesy of the International Arcade Museum:

Arcade Archives Super Pac-Man gameplay

Super Pac-Man arrived on Switch this week as the latest entry in the Arcade Archives series, and we now have some gameplay. 17 minutes of footage is available.

If you’re interested in learning more about Super Pac-Man, read the following overview:

Hamster has announced its weekly addition to the ever growing Arcade Archives label of retro games. Coming to the Switch eShop this week is Super Pac-Man. Here are some details on the game, courtesy of the International Arcade Museum:

Arcade Archives Mutant Night

Hamster has confirmed its latest Arcade Archives game on Switch, revealing that players will soon be able to get their hands on Mutant Night. It will launch digitally on December 30.

Here’s a brief overview of the game, courtesy of Hamster:

During a live stream earlier this week, Famitsu showed off gameplay of the latest Arcade Archives games on Switch, Mirai Ninja and Orius. Note that Orius is titled Xexex in Europe.

Below is some additional information about both titles:

Hamster has announced that the latest classic arcade game headed to the Switch eShop via the Arcade Archives label is side-scrolling shoot-’em-up Xexex. Here’s a description of the retro title, courtesy of the International Arcade Museum:

For nearly every week for the last several years, publisher Hamster has been bringing retro arcade games to the Switch eShop through its Arcade Archive label. This week, they continue to expand the collection with Arcade Archives Mirai Ninja. Here are some details, courtesy of the International Arcade Museum:

Thanks to Famitsu, we have a look at the latest Arcade Archives titles on Switch – Liquid Kids and Dragon Buster. Both were shown during a lengthy live stream this week.

Below is further information about the two games:

Hamster has been porting classic arcade games to the Switch eShop nearly every week for several years through its Arcade Archives label. The collection of retro games has grown to span hundreds of titles.

This week, they are continuing the practice by bringing the RPG Dragon Buster to the platform. Below the break are some details on the game from the International Arcade Museum:

ACA NeoGeo Metal Slug 4

Hamster has started up a new sale on the Switch eShop featuring several ACA NeoGeo and Arcade Archives games. The lineup includes Metal Slug 4, The King of Fighters ’97, Crazy Climber, Moon Cresta, and more.

Below is the full list:

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