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Assemble Entertainment

Over on Amazon UK, the boxart for Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don’t Dry has been posted. You can see what the packaging image looks like above.

Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don’t Dry can be pre-ordered on Amazon UK here.

Assemble Entertainment published a new Switch-specific trailer for Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don’t Dry. WE have it below.

Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don’t Dry launches on Switch this summer.

After a rating was spotted in Germany, Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don’t Dry was thought to be releasing on Switch. Assemble Entertainment has now made the news official. Tiny Roar Games is working on porting the game.

For those who missed our previous coverage, check out the following overview and trailer:

Leisure Suit Larry – Wet Dreams Don’t Dry is likely seeing a release on Switch. That’s based on a classification from Germany, as the game was rated for Nintendo’s console earlier this month.

Originally launched at the end of last year, Leisure Suit Larry – Wet Dreams Don’t Dry continues the series’ point-and-click gameplay. You can find more information about it below, along with a trailer.

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