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The BoxBoy! reviews embargo has now lifted, and a few verdicts have come in. Below are a few notable reviews we’ve come across thus far:

Shacknews – 8 / 10
Nintendo Life – 6 / 10
NintendoWorldReport – 9 / 10

It’ll be interesting to see if BoxBoy! comes out after today’s Nintendo Direct!

BoxBoy! block size

Posted on 10 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 5 Comments

BoxBoy! hasn’t been dated just yet, but Nintendo has already started issuing download codes to the press. It’s pretty small, with just 644 blocks of free space required.

By the way, something else we’re hearing is that the BoxBoy! review embargo lifts on Wednesday. Perhaps the game will be seeing a surprise launch this week?

Thanks to Jake for the tip.


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