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In My Shadow

In My Shadow gameplay

In My Shadow, a puzzle platformer from publisher OverGamez and developer Playbae Games, is almost ready to go on Switch, and we have some gameplay from the final release.

Here’s an overview of the title:

In My Shadow

Later this month, publisher OverGamez and developer Playbae Games will be releasing the puzzle platformer In My Shadow on Switch. It’s set to launch as a digital title on September 25.

Bella is the star of the game, and you’ll have the task of unfolding her memories as a girl who struggles to confront herself in her past. In My Shadow will have you playing with shadows to solve brain twisting platforming puzzles. Four rooms are included, with each one involving a different glimpse of Bella’s memories and the changing relationships in her family. Expect to see over 50 puzzles in the game with unique gameplay mechanics.

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