Corecell Technology launches an Indiegogo campaign for AeternoBlade II
Posted on 7 years ago by Fernando in News, Switch eShop | 2 Comments
AeternoBlade, a 3DS action and puzzle platformer game published in 2014, could receive a sequel soon thanks to an Indiegogo campaign.
Developers Corecell Technology have started this crowdfunding hoping to earn the $30,000 necessary for releasing AeternoBlade II through all home platforms. Switch is in the mix, too.
Check out the overview about the events that this sequel will narrate:
After the event of AeternoBlade. Freyja has been living a peaceful life with her friends at the Ridgerode village. One day, The dimension begins to unstable and the existence of this reality seems to be disappeared. It is the cause of her actions to changed the world lines. To fix this, her journey begins once again.
On the other side of the world, two warriors, Bernard and Felix. Head to Eternity Fortress according to the Chronos Kingdom’s ‘Oracle’ to stop the disaster that foretold to have occurred from a strange dark hole appeared in the sky, their fate exists will be revealed in AeternoBlade II.
You can go to the Indiegogo campaign page to learn all the interesing facts about AeternoBlade II. Make sure to back Corecell Tecnology if you like what you see.
Here’s the official trailer:
TreeFall Studios opens Indiegogo campaign for Wii U game “Maze”
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 10 Comments
TreeFall Studios hopes to fund its next project through Indiegogo. The indie developer launched a campaign today for “Maze” – a first-person puzzle/adventure game for the Wii U eShop.
TreeFall promises “tons of mazes, between multiple worlds, bonus worlds, arcade modes, and possibly a multi-player mode.” In terms of length, “it is a full fledged game, with a much longer length than The Letter.”
You can check out Maze on Indiegogo here.
More: indie, Indiegogo, Maze, TreeFall Studios
Shaq-Fu: A Legend Reborn reaches funding goal
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 5 Comments
Shaq-Fu: A Legend Reborn has been successfully funded on Indiegogo. With about eight hours remaining, the campaign crossed its $450,000 target.
Big Deez Productions will be bringing Shaq-Fu: A Legend Reborn to Wii U at some point in the future. The game was originally planned for 3DS as well, though plans for that version may have since been scrapped.
Thanks to Brandon for the tip.
Shaq-Fu: A Legend Reborn announced, Indiegogo campaign could bring the game to Wii U/3DS
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 2 Comments
A new Shaq-Fu game is finally happening, and it could come to Wii U and 3DS.
Shaq-Fu: A Legend Reborn is now live on Indiegogo, accessible here. Big Deez Productions is working on the project. The team’s staff have experience contributing to games such as Halo, Street Fighter, Final Fantasy, Alan Wake, Spec Ops: The Line, Battlefield, Killzone, Max Payne, Duke Nukem, and more.
Wii U project “The Letter” takes to Indiegogo for funding
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 7 Comments
TreeFall Studios has temporarily put “Forbidden Sanctity” on hold. But in the meantime, the developer has launched an Indiegogo campaign for “The Letter”, a potential new exclusive for the Wii U eShop.
Below is an official overview of the title:
This game is a exploration and narrative based horror game for the Nintendo Wii U. Michael Kennedy is a young boy who receives a letter from his father who recently took an “off the books” construction job in a strange valley down the road from their Mountain Home. In the letter the father explains that he is probably already dead by the time his son receives the letter. Michael has no idea what is going on with this new construction team or this hidden valley, but he loves his father and will do anything to try to save him.
You can find The Letter on Indiegogo here. The campaign is seeking $5,000 in funding.
More: Indiegogo, The Letter, TreeFall Studios
Game Studio 78 launching Indiegogo campaign tomorrow for Wii U title “Hush”
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
Portuguese developer Game Studio 78 may bring “Hush” to Wii U. An Indiegogo campaign will launch tomorrow, and with enough funding, we could see the game on the eShop.
You can find a whole bunch of details about Hush in the press release below. We’ll make note of the Indiegogo campaign again once it’s live.