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Metro Quester

Publisher Kemco and developer Thousand Games will bring Metro Quester to Switch next month, the two companies have announced. A release is planned for December 15, 2023.

Metro Quester is a dungeon exploration RPG that takes place in a post-apocalyptic futuristic world. A bit of additional information can be found in the following overview:

Grace of Letoile

Kemco isn’t slowing down on new RPGs for Switch having announced Grace of Letoile for the platform. On November 10, the game will be available worldwide.

Here’s an official overview with more information:

Archetype Arcadia launch trailer

A new launch trailer is here for Archetype Arcadia. The title, a post-apocalyptic sci-fi visual novel, made it to Switch this week.

Further information can be found in the following overview:

Archetype Arcadia gameplay

Following its debut in North America and Europe, a bunch of gameplay has dropped for Archetype Arcadia. Footage gives us a closer look at the visual novel.

Get caught up on everything you need to know in the following overview:

Alphadia I & II gameplay

Gameplay has arrived for Alphadia I & II, which landed on Switch this week. This release comes from Kemco.

If you need a refresher as to what’s included in Alphadia I & II, read the following overview:

Alphadia I & II

Kemco is readying its next Switch release, which will actually be a double launch with Alphadia I & II. It’ll be available on October 13, 2023.

Alphadia I & II are two separate RPGs in one single release, but Kemco says that the choices you make in one game influence the other. More information can be found in the following overview:

The latest in Kemco’s seemingly exhaustible list of RPGs to be released on Switch will be Isekai Rondo, the company has announced. The title is due to launch via the eShop next week on September 15, with pre-orders live now.

Here’s an overview of the game via its eShop page:

Kemco RPG Selection Vol. 4

Kemco RPG Selection Vol. 4 has been revealed as a package containing another selection of Switch games on a single cartridge. It will include Chronus Arc, Bonds of the Skies, Legend of the Tetrarchs, and Monochrome Order.

Once again, this has only been announced for Japan at present. But we’ll again remind folks that Switch is region free. This will work on any Switch system regardless of where it was purchased.

Chrome Wolf

Kemco isn’t slowing down on Switch RPG releases, and has now announced Chrome Wolf for the console. You’ll be able to play it in just a couple of weeks – specifically August 18, 2023.

Below is an official overview straight from Kemco:

[Review] Cross Tails

Posted on 1 year ago by in Reviews, Switch | 1 Comment

System: Switch
Release date: July 20, 2023
Developer: RideOn Japan
Publisher: Kemco

The age old war between cats and dogs has never been more illustrated than what you see in Cross Tails. Two kingdoms at odds with one another in a deep-rooted hatred fueled by generations of animosity, the game’s narrative opens with the canine Kingdom of Ranverfurt and the feline Republic of Hidiq currently embroiled in a decade-long battle. With a third faction trying to drive things in their own direction, will we be able to solve the conflict and steer destiny in a peaceful direction, or will the people continue to suffer due to the interference?

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