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The enhanced edition of Kickbeat is coming to Wii U in Europe alongside Xbox One and Playstation 4. This updated version of the game includes new features, additional soundtracks as well as more enhancements to the original campaign. Check out the trailer below and see what you think!

KickBeat footage

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U eShop | 0 comments

KickBeat isn’t 100% confirmed for Wii U, but based on this week’s USK rating, I’m almost certain that an announcement will be made in the near future.


USK has rated KickBeat for Wii U, likely signaling an upcoming release of Zen Studios’ game on Nintendo’s console. Nothing has been made official at this time, but I imagine we’ll be seeing an announcement in the future. We’ll keep you up to date with any official news that comes in.

Source, Via

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