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Nova-111 trailer

No Gravity Games brought Nova-111 to Switch this week, and the company is celebrating with a new trailer. This follows a previous Wii U release in 2015.

You can learn about what Nova-111 has to offer with the following overview:

Nova-111 gameplay

Nova-111 will be appearing on Switch in just a few days, but we do have some early gameplay ahead of next week’s launch. A half hour of footage has come in.

Here’s some information about Nova-111 from the game’s eShop listing:


Those of you that owned a Wii U may recall a little game called Nova-111. The sci-fi themed turn-based adventure game, which features a real-time action twist, released on the system in 2015.

It’s now been revealed that Nova-111 will soon be reaching Switch. Funktronic Labs developed the project, though No Gravity Games is handling publishing duties.

Curve Digital’s latest game on Nintendo platforms is Nova-111, which came out last week. Check out the video below for footage from the Wii U build.

Thanks to yesterday’s Nintendo Download report, we received confirmation that Nova-111 is launching on the European Wii U eShop this week. Now we can say the same about North America as well.

Curve Digital confirmed today that Nova-111 is planned for a worldwide release this Thursday on the eShop. For the first two weeks, the game will have a 25 percent discount.

We have two more videos for Nova-111. Below you’ll find the latest trailer as well as 26 minutes of footage from GiantBomb.

Curve Digital has published a couple of developer videos for Nova-111. Both have been posted below.

We have more footage from Nova-111, courtesy of Polygon. You can check out the latest video below.

Thanks to Jake for the tip.

Kotaku has posted some footage of the upcoming Wii U eShop title Nova-111. The video can be seen below.

NOVA-111 trailer

Posted on 10 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U eShop | 1 Comment

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