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Pokemon Shuffle

The Rotom train continues! The fifth of the Daily Pokémon event is here on Pokémon Shuffle with yet another one of Rotom’s forms, this time bringing you Fan Rotom. Hurry and check in to Pokémon Shuffle now as this event will be ending tomorrow!

Another day, another Pokémon Shuffle event! The past few days we’ve seen the various forms of Rotom, and today is no different, with Mow Rotom being the latest event in the Daily Pokémon stage. Hurry and check in and get your Mow Rotom as the event will be ending tomorrow!



The third day of the Daily Pokémon stage event is here for Pokémon Shuffle! Continuing with tradition, we have yet another form of Rotom, this time bringing you its Wash form. Hurry and check in to the event as it’ll be ending tomorrow!



Pokémon Shuffle is now updated with its second Daily Pokémon stage event. Just like yesterday, it is Rotom again, but this time its Heat form. Hurry and check in to the event while you can, as it’ll be ending tomorrow!


Nintendo’s free-to-play game, Pokémon Shuffle, now has its first Daily Pokémon stage LIVE and is starting out with Frost Rotom. Hurry and check in to the event now as it’ll end tomorrow!

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