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Polara file size

Posted on 7 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments

In both North America and Europe, you can obtain Polara from the 3DS eShop. It’s a 730 block download in case you’re curious. That translates to 91.25MB.


Polara trailer

Posted on 7 years ago by (@OnePunchMaz) in 3DS eShop, Videos | 0 comments

Circle Entertainment just released a new trailer for their upcoming action platformer Polara, which will be released on the 3DS eShop on September 15th. Give it a watch:

Circle Entertainment is bringing Polara to the North American and European 3DS eShops very soon. In both territories, the game is scheduled for September 15. It will cost $5 / €5.

As announced by Circle on Twitter today:


Polara, a 3DS eShop game which previously released in Japan, is now heading west. Circle Entertainment is bringing it to North America and Europe in September.

Circle Entertainment passed along the news through Twitter earlier today. View the tweet below, along with some screenshots.


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