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Nintendo has released a new set of screenshots from Chibi-Robo!: Zip Lash. All of today’s images can be seen in the gallery below.

Famitsu has a two-page feature on Chibi-Robo!: Zip Lash this week. The Japanese magazine touches on a couple of familiar things, but also presents new information.

In terms of the premise, Chibi-Robo and its partner robot Tonpi see in the news that resources have gone missing in various areas around the world. The two end up encountering an alien and pursue it thinking that this is the culprit.

One of the big hooks in Chibi-Robo!: Zip Lash is the ability to use Chibi-Robo’s plug and cord in side-scrolling stages. Players will be able to throw the cord in two ways: quick throw or power throw. By collecting blue and red balls, the cord can be extended. It can also be attached into an orange panel and then jump from place to place by shaking the cord.

The developers of Chibi-Robo!: Zip Lash have once again commented on the decision to make the game a platformer as opposed to an adventure experience.

In an interview with Nintendo World Report, producer Risa Tabata explained:

“That was sort of our hint to focus on the action types of things. For the previous Chibi-Robo games, we had more of the adventure aspect. And for those who are really big fans of Chibi-Robo, it was great. People loved it, but we couldn’t quite say that it was widely known by a lot of people. So we wanted to branch out and explore more things.”

Nintendo producer Kensuke Tanabe added that a platformer “would be a great place to expand that fanbase” in America.


Skip has been the primary developer of the Chibi-Robo! games. The studio is making the latest entry, Chibi-Robo!: Zip Lash, but they’re also receiving some help. A listing from the Australian classification board reveals that Dillon’s Rolling Western creator Vanpool is working on the 3DS project as well.


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