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Tetris Effect: Connected

Tetris Effect: Connected update 2.0.2

The latest update for Tetris Effect: Connected has been released and version 2.0.2 is available.

There are a couple of specific highlights worth pointing out. First, there’s a new and tougher “Hyper” option in Maniac Mode in the match options of Connected Mode. There’s also an info button in the Friend Match lobby.

The full patch notes for the Tetris Effect: Connected version 2.0.2 update are as follows:

Tetris Effect: Connected update 2.0

The latest update has been released for Tetris Effect: Connected, bringing the game up to version 2.0.

This is one of the biggest updates for the game yet. It includes single-player Classic Score Attack, Zone Marathon Mode, Endless Purify Mode, Endless Master Mode, and even a TATE mode for Switch.

The full patch notes for the Tetris Effect: Connected version 2.0 update are as follows:

Tetris Effect Connected update 1.3.3 1.1.2

Enhance Games has started distribution of a new version 1.3.3 update for Tetris Effect: Connected. We believe it will show as version 1.1.2 on Switch.

The update includes a new SR Disconnect Penalty, matchmaking adjustments, and more. You can find the full patch notes for the Tetris Effect: Connected version 1.3.3 update (or version 1.1.2) below.

Tetris Effect: Connected physical

Limited Run Games, in partnership with Enhance Games, has announced a physical release for Tetris Effect: Connected on Switch.

The title originally launched on Switch last October. This marks the first time it’ll be sold in a boxed format on the console.

Tetris Effect: Connected update 1.3.1

The next update for Tetris Effect: Connected is ready to go, as Enhance Games recently readied version 1.3.1. It includes new accessibility options for color blindness, a new prompt to help players understand the revive system, and more.

The full patch notes for the Tetris Effect: Connected version 1.3.1 update are as follows:

Tetris Effect Connected update 1.2.8

Tetris Effect: Connected was given another update this week, with Switch players now being able to access version 1.2.8. A couple of adjustments are included.

Below are the full patch notes straight from Enhance Games:

Tetris Effect Connected update 1.2.7

Another update has gone out for Tetris Effect: Connected, with players now being able to access version 1.2.7. As one of the major highlights, Connected Vs Mode is now available every day in local and friend match.

Below are the full patch notes for the Tetris Effect: Connected version 1.2.7 update:

Tetris Effect Connected update 1.2.6

The latest update for Tetris Effect: Connected is live on Switch, which is version 1.2.6. It contains fixes for game performance, stability, player controls, and fixes a few specific issues on Nintendo’s console.

Below are the full patch notes for the Tetris Effect: Connected version 1.2.6 update:

tetris effect connected update 1.2.5

A new 1.2.5 update has been made available for Tetris Effect: Connected on Switch. It comes with a significant number of bug fixes and improvements, so you’ll want to make sure to download it if you have the game.

Below are the full patch notes for the Tetris Effect: Connected version 1.2.5 update:

Enhance Games, Monstars, Resonair, and Stage Games have shared a launch trailer for Tetris Effect: Connected. The title just landed on Switch.

For more on Tetris Effect: Connected, check out the following overview:

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