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Tom McCall

Good news, Runbow fans: there’s still more content in the pipeline. 13AM Games’ Tom McCall told Toronto GameDevs in an interview that the team is “not done” with the game just yet. He added: “Keep your eyes and ears peeled, we hope to have some exciting announcements soon.”

Runbow became a Wii U eShop hit last August. 13AM Games just came out with some substantial DLC for the title last week.


Runbow may have a chance of landing on the 3DS eShop. The studio’s Tom McCall said in an interview with Nintendo Life that the team is very much interested in the idea, and it’s something they’re looking into. Whether or not a 3DS port can actually be realized remains to be seen.

Take a look at the full interview below.


Runbow could have ended up on any platform, but 13AM eventually settled on Wii U. Wondering how the studio settled on that decision? It all came down to the Wii U’s ability to handle a wide array of control schemes.

13AM co-founder Tom McCall told Gamasutra:

“We looked at Xbox, PlayStation, PC, all those things, and we just kind of did a tally of how many controllers we could link up. And when we got to Wii, we found out… We found out that if you tether a Wii Remote to a Wii controller four times, and then add in the Wii U tablet controller on top of it, you can get up to nine players. We’d never seen anything like that before.”

McCall also mentioned that he and other members of the team had a good relationship with Nintendo, as one of them started communicating with the company as part of his thesis project.

“There was never a giant pitch; we just kept them in the loop from day one and they’ve been very supportive the whole way. I guess we’ve been very lucky!”


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