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Pine is seeing a month-long delay on Switch. Though it was originally scheduled for October 10, it will now launch about a month later.

Regarding the delay, Twirlbound explained:


Pine ended up missing its originally-planned August release window, but the game has now received a final release date. Publisher Kongregate and developer Twirlbound confirmed today that the adventure simulation game will be available on October 10.

We have the following overview and trailer for Pine:

Twirlbound and Kongregate have announced Pine for Switch. The open-world action-adventure launches in August.

Here’s an overview, along with a trailer:

A lot of indie developers turn to Kickstarter to get the funding necessary to back up their projects, but not all of them succeed. Pine is an indie project that could be one of the successful ones.

Indie developer Twirlbound is working on bringing a new action adventure game which main premise would be the adaptation of an open-world to how the player plays.

Pine will be set in an open-world environmet with a lot of species that can evolve or devolve due to player actions. Among their inspirations they mention the Zelda series, the nemesis system of Shadow of Mordor and the progression through choices in the Fable games.

For now the initial plan is launch Pine for Q4 2018 on PC, but Twirlbound has future plans to port it to PS4, XB1 and, of course, Switch.

Check out their Kickstarter page and see if they deserve your money.


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