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Next couple of amiibo rounds confirmed for Japan – Shulk, Rosalina, Sonic, Mega Man, and more

Posted on November 10, 2014 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News, Wii U

Nintendo is releasing amiibo figures in waves. In Japan, there will be eight figures in round two and another three in the third set.

Fan favorites like Shulk and Rosalina will be available in the second set. And perhaps most importantly, the first third-party figures are releasing in the third – Sonic and Mega Man.

Most of the figures pictured above are due out in Japan on January 22. Shulk, Sonic, and Mega Man are the three expected in February. Pricing is set at 1,200 yen each.

To summarize:

January 22

Toon Link
Meta Knight
King Dedede


Mega Man

Just as a reminder, this is for Japan only. It’s slightly confusing because the amiibo rounds are different between the west and Japan. We’re getting Zelda, Luigi, and a few others in December, which is round two for us. But Japan is getting all of these figures in their first round at launch.


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