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Yacht Club talks about its relationship with Nintendo

Posted on July 1, 2014 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, General Nintendo, News, Wii U eShop

Shovel Knight has been highly trumpeted by Nintendo since the game’s early days of development, up through release. Heck, the title is even playable at the Nintendo World store right now.

All in all, Yacht Club Games’ Nick Wozniak says Nintendo has “been really accommodating to our weird requests, and getting stuff done to see if they can promote us better.”

You can find Wozniak’s full comments about working with the Big N below.

From the beginning it’s been positive and it just kept getting better. Once we had the game shown off at PAX, we worked with them and they saw it had a lot of positive reaction and they started to take notice more and more.

Eventually that led to us being in their IndieCade booth, and us being a part of some media stuff that they were doing. And that culminated in the Treehouse Live event where we were onstage live in their main livestream demoing the game and trying to show off the StreetPass.

It didn’t connect because of all the interference with the thousands of people there. That was really unfortunate, because during all our rehearsals it had connected fine, taking 30 seconds or a minute to connect. It just happens on stage that it doesn’t do it…

But it all culminated in that and they’ve been really accommodating to our weird requests, and getting stuff done to see if they can promote us better. Right now in the Nintendo World Store in New York, you can play Shovel Knight in a stand.

They have a big cardboard cutout of Shovel Knight, apparently, and you can buy the game in that store. That physical presence in the store location, that’s amazing to us, and we feel really honored and special that Nintendo would be paying attention to us.

We’ve been treated really well by Nintendo, I’d say.


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