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Aonuma on Hyrule Warriors’ origins, ties into changing Zelda’s conventions, another Zelda Wii U tease

Posted on August 7, 2014 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

GiantBomb has published new comments from some of the folks behind Hyrule Warriors, including supervisor Eiji Aonuma and producer Yosuke Hayashi.

Much of the talk is from Aonuma, who discussed the game’s origins, how it ties into rethinking Zelda’s conventions, and more. He also left another tease about the new Zelda game for Wii U.

Check out some of the interview comments below. You can find GiantBomb’s full piece here.

Aonuma on Hyrule Warriors’ origins…

“I happened to be playing another Warriors game at that time,” said Aonuma. “As I was playing it, I was imagining what it might look like if it took place in the Zelda universe. The timing couldn’t have been better! When I approached Mr. Miyamoto about the idea of moving forward with a project like this, he approved it.”

On how Hyrule Warriors ties into changing the conventions of Zelda…

“Certainly, it’s not that I wasn’t without my concerns about opening up this new gameplay style for the Zelda universe, but I’ve made several Zelda games in my time at Nintendo. We’ve been talking a lot lately about rethinking the conventions of Zelda, and really knocking down those obstacles and opening up the possibilities for the franchise. I think this might be one of those ways that we can do that.”

On how Aonuma had to calm the staff down before the Nintendo Direct reveal…

“I actually had to encourage them to not worry so much, not to be so scared. [laughs]”

Hayashi on how Nintendo has been open to new ideas…

“One interesting thing that’s happened is that when we talk to Nintendo and ask them about ideas and say ‘hey, what about doing this?’ They’re generally fairly positive. ‘Yeah, try new things!’ They’ll give us ideas. ‘Hey, why don’t you try this out?’ It’s an open discussion and very creative. But when we bring them back and discuss those ideas with the Zelda fans internally, they come back and say ‘no, that’s not Zelda, you can’t do that!’ [laughs] They are the ones who are really strict about what you can and can’t do.”

Closing comments from Aonuma about Hyrule Warriors…

“We certainly have Zelda fans within our development team, as well. We have people who were raised as kids on Zelda. I can come up with just an idea and off-the-cuff say ‘let’s not do this’ and they’ll just insist ‘nooooo, don’t touch that! That’s not acceptable!’ Then, I’ll sit down with them and go ‘why do you feel like that? Why do you feel this way?’ and we’ll have a conversation. We’ll come up with something that’s acceptable both to myself and to the very ardent fans of the series. I think what we’re ultimately able to come up with is something really unique and special that offers that something new, while, at the same time, staying true to what the fans of the series really come to love.”

Aonuma teasing how the dynamics of Zelda might be changing next year…

“You have this map and there are battle areas all across this expansive battlefield. Things are happening, regardless of whether or not you’re in this particular space. How you approach reclaiming these different areas on the map really changes how you progress through the game. So it’s really, really dynamic, it’s really, really expansive. It also increases replay value because if you change your strategy, your process will also change. Having worked on a game that has this kind of expansive battlefield style has really opened my eyes to new discoveries, and my thought and approach to gameplay has really deepened. I see many, many possibilities now that I’ve worked on this project with Tecmo Koei.”

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