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Renegade Kid – Mutant Mudds 3DS update coming next year, Treasurenauts in Q1 2014, Cult County, Mutant Mudds 2 news, teases for new games

Posted on December 2, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News

Renegade Kid co-founder Jools Watsham has posted a new update on his blog outlining the studio’s development plans. Mutant Mudds (3DS), Treasurenauts, Cult County, Mutant Mudds 2 were all covered in the post. Additionally, Watsham teased two new titles, one of which has been confirmed for 3DS and will be announced in January.

Rather than rounding up the news in bullet point form, it’d probably be best to share the blog post entirely. You can find it after the break or on Watsham’s page here.

Mutant Mudds
3DS owners of Mutant Mudds (in NA and EU) should be on the look-out for a free update sometime in 2014. It will be luxurious!

Progress on Treasurenauts is going very well. We’re happy with the game. We have received tremendous positive support from you and we’re excited to get the game into your hands. However, it saddens me to announce that Treasurenauts will not be released in 2013. Don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong. The game means a lot to us, and we want to do it right. We need more time to make it the game we want it to be. We’re aiming for a Q1 2014 release, and will have information on a more accurate date soon. Sorry for the delay, but as an independent developer we rely on the success and revenue generated from each of our self-published games. More time = better game = better sales (hopefully).

Cult County
Cult County is another game we’re very excited about. We announced it very early in its development and, as with all games, it continues to progress and morph over the course of development. We’ll have more news on our survival horror exploits in 2014.

Mutant Mudds 2
The development of Treasurenauts put Mutant Mudds 2 on hold for a bit. We feel that it is healthier/better for us to develop a new 2D platform game in between Mutant Mudds and Mutant Mudds 2 to maintain perspective on what Mutant Mudds 2 needs to be. We did this with the development of Dementium: The Ward, Moon, and Dementium II, which I believe helped make Dementium II a better game than it otherwise would have been if we had immediately dived into making a sequel. The development of Moon gave us creative perspective and technical advancements, which Dementium II was able to leverage.

New Games
We have two new games in the works. One of them is a 3DS title that will be announced in January 2014, and released early-mid 2014. The other game will be announced a little later down the road.

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