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Animal Crossing devs feel that Tom Nook is misunderstood

Posted on April 18, 2020 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

If there’s one thing Tom Nook is known for in the Animal Crossing series, it’s the debts he collects. Players need to pay off loans to expand their house, which is a mechanic that carries over into the series’ latest entry. But although some may look at Tom Nook as a character primarily interested in money, the developers behind Animal Crossing feels he’s just misunderstood.

New Horizons producer Hisashi Nogami mentioned to The Verge that “Tom Nook is a very caring, really great guy.” Since he’s an adult, “he’s very careful with money.”

Nogami added that Tom Nook helps keep players engaged. The loans players have lead to the game’s various activities like fishing, catching bugs, and more. “It’s one of the biggest motivations that users have to continue playing Animal Crossing, and Tom Nook is the man behind that motivation,” Nogami said.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons director Aya Kyogoku also said of Tom Nook:

“Even if we borrow money from him and it takes time to pay him back, he never gets angry, he never gets mad. So if we could all try to be a little more responsible and pay him back, it might make him a little happier.”


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