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Another round of No More Heroes 3 details, new concept art

Posted on June 12, 2019 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

Destructoid has provided another round of details about No More Heroes 3 following an interview with Suda51. Some concept art has also come in. For the full roundup, continue on below.

– Suda51 knows the story he wants to tell, currently writing the scenario
– General plot of the game mapped out and the smaller story elements starting to fill in
– The invasion seen in the debut trailer, beings coming from space or something else along those lines, will be a major theme in the game
– Suda51 says fans see a lot of themselves in Travis, like he does
– This makes it easier to write for and think of ideas for
– Instead of just making it and seeing how fans react, he wants the No More Heroes nation to tell him what it is they want to see in this game
– Suda51 has wanted to make a third entry as a big “turning point” for the franchise
– In development for about six months, since right around the launch of Travis Strikes Again
– The team he has working on it totals less than 100 people
– Part-time job mini-games can return if fans want them to in 8-bit form or like the original game
– Open-world is on the table
– Outside of the story, nothing is quite set in stone
– Travis’s beam katana and wrestling moves will play a major role in the combat of the title
– The Death Glove and Death Drive from Travis Strikes Again will also be present
– The mecha suit from the trailer is connected to the Death Glove
– Travis will be able to use it in the real world
– More mature Travis

“Travis has become more hardened, both physically and emotionally. Not just as a killer, but as but as a person because of the experiences he has gone through. In No More Heroes 3, you’re definitely going to see some stark character development that builds off the previous games in the series.”

– Unsure if Shinobu will be back
– If she returns, they’ll try to get Kimberly Brooks back to reprise her role
– Sylvia Christel will return, voiced once again by Paula Tiso
– Rowan Atkin Downes is also returning to voice Travis Touchdown
– Suda51 really likes Captain Vladimir and wants to bring him back if he can



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