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This week’s WDYT article is something I’m really passionate about, and that’s music in games. I really do love music, as I believe it completely sets the mood for the entire game, especially when done right. I hate to admit it, but music is one of those little things in a game that can push me from liking a game to really loving it. Without rambling too much, I’ll just say that this is my list of Top Ten Gaming soundtracks, and I want all you guys to show me your lists as well! At the end of the week, I’ll gather up all the “votes” and see what you guys think is the best soundtrack ever!

Top 10 Nintendo Video Game Soundtracks

10. Metroid Soundtrack
Samus’ first adventure just made the cut for its beautifully crafted main theme, as well as the assortment of secondary themes that support it. No single soundtrack has ever portrayed the far reaches of space and science fiction better than Metroid’s own, and (while many of the songs may not be memorable) every song is perfect at capturing the deep space emptiness and loneliness that comes with Samus’ trek.

While scrolling through the Wii News Channel this morning, I stumbled upon a news article that is one of many that continuously have me baffled. Apparently, 30-year-old Michael Ray Ekes was arrested for grand theft auto this past Thursday. Ironically, when deputies went in his house, they found Ekes playing the video game Grand Theft Auto (it didn’t say which). What bothers me about this is that the press continuously tries to connect the playing of video games to committing crimes, which is definitely a false connection! Does anyone else get annoyed when critics of video games do this?

Note from Austin: Many apologies for missing last week’s article, but hopefully a more in depth piece will be worth the wait! Since this week’s article is a little more obscure than previous ones, I encourage you to read it thoroughly and get a firm grasp on the idea for your responses. Additionally, be sure to read the question!

The idea of satire is that a piece of work, be it a game, a movie, or a book, takes a stance on a social subject, like racism or politics, and makes fun of it. This is something that is very prominent in movies and books, but games have barely dabbled into this realm of work. Traditionally, the works in which satirical material can be found, regardless of the specific type of outlet, are usually limited to pieces that are aimed at a more mature, adult-focused demographic. Compositions like Joseph Heller’s Catch-22 or Goichi Suda’s No More Heroes are prime examples of this general trend in satirical work, but every so often a piece will be written, developed or filmed that will break the mold and surprise its entire audience.


With 2009 finally out the door and the 2010 gaming season right at our doorstep, it’s time to take a look at the year that has fully passed and remember some of the most memorable moments from the last 365 days.

Hey guys, Austin here with a site update!

As many of you already know, NE’s community has been growing stronger and stronger over the past few months, with more people commenting on stories, joining the forum, and increasing the overall level of community we have out there. Unfortunately, we know there are many, many more of you that visit the site and perhaps don’t have the time to comment or don’t have much to say! Whatever the case may be, Valay and I are always striving to bring in more community members to the site and get existing members more involved in whatever way possible. Because of this, we’ve designed a Nintendo Everything Facebook page for you to access at your convenience.

We have a few goals with the Facebook page, but (aside from bringing the most up to date news to you in the most convenient way possible!) the biggest one is to allow us to communicate more directly with the visitors of the site and get feedback on how we’re doing, suggestions on what could improve the site, or even just to discuss the latest news with everyone!

Anyway, without rambling on too much, I’ll just let you all be the judges! Become a fan of NintendoEverything on Facebook with just one click by clicking “Become a Fan” in the following box!


Normally I wouldn’t post up an ESRB description that doesn’t reveal new information about a game, but I felt like this is one of those instances where exceptions should be made. It’s a bit lengthy, so I’ll put most of the rating after the break.

No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle

Platform: Wii

Rating: Mature

Content descriptors: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Partial Nudity, Sexual Themes, Strong Language

December 3 — The Fall of Troy Track Pack, $5.49 (440 Microsoft points; 550 Wii Points)
“Panic Attack” by The Fall of Troy
“A Classic Case of Transference” by The Fall of Troy
“Single” by The Fall of Troy

December 12 — OneRepublic Track Pack, $5.49 (440 Microsoft points; 550 Wii Points)
“All The Right Moves” by OneRepublic
“Everybody Loves Me” by OneRepublic
“Mercy” by OneRepublic

December 17 — Indie Rock Track Pack, $5.49 (440 Microsoft points; 550 Wii Points)
“Hi-Speed Soul” by Nada Surf
“Cut Your Hair” by Pavement
“Sister Jack” by Spoon

December 22 — Celebrity New Years Track Pack, $5.49 (440 Microsoft points; 550 Wii Points)
“Our Song” by Taylor Swift
“Harder to Breathe” by Maroon 5
“New” by No Doubt

December 22 — Christmas Rock Pack
“Hark The Herald Angels Sing” by Steve Ouimette


Missile Command sequel?

A rating for a brand new game, “Missile Reflect”, has appeared on the COB (Australian ESRB) website which outlines another title from Q-Games to be published by Nintendo. In the past, Q-Games has teamed up with Nintendo to bring games like Art Style: Digidrive to the DSiWare service, but this new outing doesn’t seem to fit the Art Style series based on title alone. Maybe I’ll be wrong, but chances are this will be an entirely new game for either DSiWare or WiiWare.

Miyamoto's cat? Nah!

I love posts like these, I really do.

I’m sure most of you have heard by now, but acclaimed Nintendo game designer Shigeru Miyamoto has purchased a cat. In the past, Miyamoto has expressed his interest in caring for cats and things of that nature, so it’s only natural that he’d buy one eventually. For those new to the Nintendo scene, often times when he talks of his hobbies and interests, Miyamoto reveals insight on upcoming games and hardware from Nintendo. For instance, soon after expressing his love for dogs, Nintendo announced Nintendogs, and before Pikmin was announced, he had discussed how he imagined little things living in the dirt while he was gardening. Does this mean that Nintencats is coming, or that Link will ride a giant cat in the next Legend of Zelda? Of course not, but don’t be surprised if this isn’t the last you hear of Myamoto’s feline friends.

After the smashing success of Dragon Quest IX in Japan (selling over 3m copies within the first couple of weeks), it’s no surprise that both Square Enix and Nintendo want the game to fare just as well overseas. Because of this, Nintendo has announced plans to work with Square Enix on the marketing for the game in North America and Europe. This may prove difficult however, as Dragon Quest games have not sold so well in the past overseas. Hopefully things will change this time around, because IX looks to be one of the better entries to the series!

In addition, Miyamoto expressed interest in the “Passerby Mode” from Dragon Quest, stating that he would be interested in creating a game around that feature for people to play outside of the house.


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