Silicon Knights loses its appeal to Epic Games and must pay the ~$9 million fine
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in General Gaming, General Nintendo, News | 4 Comments
After a years-long legal battle, it appears that Eternal Darkness and Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes developer Silicon Knights is going to end up paying a $9.1 million fine to Epic Games for allegedly using an unlicensed copy of Unreal Engine, breaching contractual obligations, and racking up court fees.
Silicon Knights hasn’t been up to much lately and the studio is a shell of its former self. Dennis Dyack– former leader of the developers there– has said that there’s only one or two people still officially working there, and after losing this legal battle it appears unlikely that they’ll continue. A sad way for the developer to go out.
Court Ruling via Gamespot
Here’s a Podcast – Episode 75!
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast | 2 Comments
ON THIS EPISODE: Austin delves deeply into his new-found Bioshock fascination, Jack talks about LIMBO and The Wonderful 101, and Laura talks about her renewed sense of enthusiasm for Animal Crossing.
PLUS: What Nintendo games should be revisited a la A Link Between Worlds? Have games mastered emotion to the extent that movies and books have?
This Week’s Podcast Crew: Austin, Jack, and Laura
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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS – King Dedede screenshots
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in 3DS, Images, News, Wii U | 1 Comment
More: King Dedede, Super Smash Bros., top
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS screenshot (1/10/14) – King Dedede confirmed
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in 3DS, Images, News, Podcast Stories, Wii U | 4 Comments

The preceding image and message were passed along by Sakurai in the Super Smash Bros. series director’s room on Miiverse.
More: King Dedede, Super Smash Bros., top
Intriguing study shows that some people may experience hallucinogenic side effects after playing games for extended periods
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in General Gaming, News, Podcast Stories | 5 Comments
Disclaimer for all study-based posts: This is not meant to be taken as positive or negative, nor is it wholly conclusive. It’s an intriguing set of data with which you can do what you please– not a moral conclusion in and of itself.
Researchers at something called the “Nottingham Trent University International Gaming Research Unit” have gathered data leading to an interesting observation: A portion of gamers experience minor visual/aural alterations to reality after playing games for an extended period of time, presumably 4+ hours straight. These alterations are called similar to hallucinations but not entirely the same thing.
The study covered 483 gamers and “656 experiences” that were gathered via online forums, and did not include a psychological profile of players. Researchers say that, after playing for long periods of time, some gamers continued to “see” (in a non-literal sense, of course) elements of the game that in some cases prevented them from sleeping or caused strange behavior. The professor of psychology at Nottingham Trent admitted that the study was not necessarily representative of gaming as a whole, but finds it interesting nonetheless.
Read more about the study over at Gamespot.
China allows sales of Wii U after 14 year ban on console sales
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in News, Wii U | 9 Comments
After considering the proposal last September, the Chinese government appears to be waning on their strict dislike for game console sales in their jurisdiction: As of this week, Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo are allowed to attempt to sell their latest-generation video gaming consoles (PS4, Xbox One, and Wii U) in China if they get specific government approval, which is looking likely at this point.
More: China
Here’s a Podcast – Episode 74!
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast | 1 Comment
ON THIS EPISODE: The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds dominates discussion throughout the episode, but we also hear a bit about FTL from Austin, Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies from Laura, and Braid/Proteus/Counter Strike GO from Jack.
ALSO: Listener mail has us talking about the best way to spend eShop bucks.
AND: A discussion about the consequences of the new item system in A Link Between Worlds rounds out the ending.
This Week’s Podcast Crew: Austin, Jack, and Laura
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[Feature] Nintendo Everything’s 2013 Game of the Year Picks
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in 3DS, Features, Wii U | 5 Comments
To make an argument against the thesis that 2013 was one of the all-time best years in gaming would be a foolhardy activity. The year saw the release of instant-classics like The Last of Us and Super Mario 3D World, as well as world-stoppers like Grand Theft Auto V and Pokémon X and Y— Zelda made a big comeback on 3DS alongside Fire Emblem, and after years of no news we finally saw the release of Pikmin 3 on Wii U. An intro paragraph like this– no matter how densely packed– could never do justice the year we’ve had, so let’s let the staff of NintendoEverything do it instead.
After the break, you’ll hear from Brian (site admin and boss man), Austin (podcast man and writer guy), Jack (podcast man and writer guy), Spencer (writer guy), Patrick (writer guy) and Scott (video guy) about what they all found to be their absolute favorite games of 2013. Consider this list primarily subjective.
Here’s a Podcast – Episode 73!
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast | 4 Comments
ON THIS EPISODE: Laura and Jack discuss the pros and cons of The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, Austin and Jack briefly muse on Counter Strike: Global Offensive, and Laura talks about her second-holiday in Animal Crossing: New Leaf.
PLUS: Listener mail about the run button in Mario and whether games can train you to perform new skills.
AND: An intense, hour-long discussion about what games should be named “3DS game of the year” and “Wii U game of the year“.
This Week’s Podcast Crew: Austin, Jack, and Laura
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Reader Poll #31 – What were the best Wii U and 3DS games of 2013?
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in 3DS, Features, Reader Poll, Wii U | 8 Comments
This is a survey that requires no signing up, accounts, clicking through ads, or anything. Just answer a required question, answer a non-required question (if you want) and make your voice heard in yet another NintendoEverything reader survey poll thing! Results will be read on the next podcast! Thanks very much.
Thanks very much. As stated above the topic for you guys this week is “What are the best games of the year on Wii U and 3DS?” Check out two small questions in there.