XSEED: “No damage control needed” for relationship with Marvelous
Posted on 15 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in News, Wii | 2 Comments
Following the news that Muramasa: The Demon Blade would no longer be published by XSEED, the company has said that the relationship between Marvelous and XSEED is perfectly fine. An XSEED rep has also given some insight as to why Ignition will now be publishing Muramasa.
“No damage control needed, things with us and Marvelous are fine as they are still a very important partner of ours. A business decision had to be made regarding the future of Muramasa: The Demon Blade and we respect their decision. And I’m sure you’ve heard by now that Ignition Entertainment is the new publisher, so the title is in good hands.”
This doesn’t come as a surprise to me. If there was a quarrel between the two companies, I would’ve expected something to be leaked about the reason why. The fact that neither XSEED nor Marvelous seems inclined to talk about any such details shows that it must have been a quick and clean break. It’s good to know that Muramasa will not be affected, though.
Monster Hunter 3 (tri-): Confirmed Weapons Categories
Posted on 15 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in News, Wii | 1 Comment
As any Monster Hunter fan knows, the game contains a variety of weapons divided into different weapon categories. The following are the confirmed weapon categories for the upcoming Monster Hunter 3 (tri-).
– Small Sword
– Lance
– Hammer
– Bowgun (with 3 customizable parts)
– Big Sword
– Long Blade
– Slash Axe
Nottingham Trent University Doctor: Video games as good of story tellers as books
Posted on 15 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in News | 1 Comment
“Video games have outpaced all other media in growth charts in the last three years and the industry is one of the few that hasn’t taken much of a tumble in the recent credit-crunch. I believe a major reason for their popularity is their storytelling experience, as players of game ‘blockbusters’ like Half Life 2, Assassin’s Creed and Bioshock will tell you. Though often unfairly dismissed as toys for children, computer games are far more complex than that. Most gamers, adults and children alike, play these games because of the stories they tell. So, whilst many focus on the violence in video games, the narrative potential of these games should also be explored.”- Dr Souvik Mukherjee, a researcher and computer game narrative expert from Nottingham Trent University
This is something I have thought about and debated about for a long time. Video games as entertainment are, by popular belief, purely recreation and not much for art or story telling the way that novels or movies are often considered. What more and more people are beginning to believe, however, is that video games are a completely new outlet for both storytelling and artistic talent. Games are not always for recreation anymore; many developers are overstepping a boundary and using them to criticize modern society, or to tell a heart-wrenching story. In this respect, they are most certainly an area that needs to have some light shed upon it by writers, artists and filmmakers as a new outlet for their creative talents.
Japanese software sales (4/6-4/12)
Posted on 15 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
01. [PSP] BASARA Battle Heroes (Capcom) 86,000 / NEW
02. [WII] Oboro Muramasa Youtouden (Marvelous) 29,000 / NEW
03. [NDS] Mario & Luigi RPG 3 (Nintendo) 25,000 / 522,000
04. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 2 G (PSP the Best) (Capcom) 18,000 / 573,000
05. [NDS] Pro Yakyuu Famista DS 2009 (Konami) 17,000 / 44,000
06. [PSP] Mobile Suit Gundam: Senjou no Kizuna Portable (Namco Bandai) 16,000 / 135,000
07. [PS2] Arcana Heart 2 (AQ Interactive) 11,000 / NEW
08. [PS2] Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2009 (Konami) 10,000 / 104,000
09. [PS3] Musou Orochi Z (KOEI) 10,000 / 195,000
10. [WII] Wii Fit (Nintendo) 9,000 / 3,350,000
Proof that GameStop just wants your money…
Posted on 15 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in News, Wii | 2 Comments
I realize that this isn’t really news, but I thought it was an interesting (and frankly, humorous) little tidbit of info about Wii Sports Resort from the GameStop page for the game.
Apparently, the original price for the game was to be $230,591.00, but then gamestop probably realized that with the current economy, they’d have to cut it down a bit. Now, thanks to the drop in cost, you save $230,541.01! I for one would have paid the full asking price, because the peripheral would be worth it, but I don’t think too many people would agree with me.
FFCC: The Crystal Bearers magazine scans
Posted on 15 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in News, Wii | 2 Comments
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories; Video Interview
Posted on 15 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in News, Wii | 0 comments
Target stores placing Wii merchandise in toddler’s section
Posted on 15 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in News, Wii | 3 Comments

Target stores have begun placing their Wii merchandise (including Wii Fit games, Wii consoles, and Wii accessories) in the toddler sections of their stores. The logic behind this is likely to appeal to the younger demographic of Wii fans, or the appeal of Wii Fit to mothers and their children. In my own opinion, this is a good move to increase sales of Wii products, but I feel that it only adds to the child-like appeal of the Wii, which will further “deteriorate” the system’s image to more serious gamers.
Two new classic characters confirmed for Punch-Out!!
Posted on 15 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in News, Wii | 0 comments
Deep in the pages of the latest Game Informer lies something that gets Wii owners very excited; Punch-Out!! Info. The most recent issue of the magazine previews two new characters, both of which are from classic Punch-Out!! games: Bear Hugger and Don Flamenco.
Don Flamenco
– First seen in Punch-Out!! (Arcade and NES)
– Taunts you into fighting, then counters with a “maraca uppercut”
– Don will taunt with an “Uno, Dos, Tres”, (One, Two, Three) and then unleash three hooks followed by an uppercut
– Knock off Don’s toupee to really get him mad
Bear Hugger
– First seen in Super Punch Out!! (Arcade and SNES)
– Often shows off his belly moves
– His bear hug makes a return
– Still makes his raspberry face